Page 16 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 16
The curricu- Students who are inducted into VU will lia), Darden School of Business, Piedmont
lum design have the option of exploring wide range International University.
for imparting of courses and pathways. For instance, a The faculty resources at Vijaybhoomi in-
broader un- student who has opted to study commerce, clude the some of the best well known from
derstanding can pass out with a data science major or academia and industry.
of theory and minor by acquiring credits in data science
application of area. Once students have chosen the path LOCATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE:
knowledge in they want to take, they can work towards The University campus is a three-hour drive
the initial years of study coupled with the the credit requirements to graduate with a from Mumbai and Pune’s airports and the
specialization in the Junior and the senior degree of their choice. nearest railway station, Karjat, is about 30
years is expected to deliver a “T” shaped kilometres away.
professional. POPULAR COURSES Spread across sprawling 55 acres of
Dr Atish Chattopadhyay, Vice Chancellor Business: BBA, BCom land, the Vijaybhoomi campus is designed
Design: BDes and MDes in Commu- on a multiple axis system, each corridor,
Our aim is to nication Design passageway, or window frames has expan-
develop DE- Law: BBA LLB (5 year Integrated) sive views of the mountain range that serves
SIGN LEAD- Data Science: BS (Data Science), MS as a backdrop to this beautiful site. This also
ERS – coura- (Data Science), BE (Artificial Intelligence) helps create light wind tunnels that bring in
geous young cross ventilation to every part of the cam-
people who VU also offers many unique award- pus, minimising the need for air conditioning
think innova- winning curriculum interventions that have systems. The campus has modern learning
tively, who can been developed by IFIM over the last 25 infrastructure – including classrooms, com-
stand on the shoulders of tradition and build years: puter labs, design lab, well-stocked library
a whole NEW WORLD. A world that they had 1. Personality Enhancement Program (PEP) in addition to sports facilities and student
not even imagined was possible! – This program is focused on learning to residences.
Prof. Pravin Mishra, Dean, Vijaybhoomi manage oneself and develop a good life-
School of Design style. SPORTS INFRASTRUCTURE
2. Research/Innovation Incubation – This Vijaybhoomi campus boasts of a full-fledged
Vijaybhoomi program is designed to impart research and sports complex called Revive, short-course
offers many analytical skills required for real life business swimming pool along with indoor basketball,
unique award- problems solving and innovation. badminton, tennis court and squash courts,
winning cur- 3. Social Immersion Program – This pro- a football field, and a 10 m shooting range.
riculum inter- gram is designed to sensitise students to Revive is also equipped with state of the art
ventions that developmental challenges in the society and cardiovascular and strength training equip-
have been providing them an opportunity to engage in ment. Revive is supported by qualified sport
developed by real life social problem/s. trainers and coaches.
IFIM over the last 25 years. 4. Industry Internship Program –This inter-
Prof Rakesh Mediratta, Dean – Business vention is designed for providing an oppor- STUDENT RESIDENCES
School tunity to the students to have a prolonged The campus provides comfortable shared
industry engagement in a real life work accommodation for the students. The stu-
The curriculum environment dent residences have been designed to
at Vijaybhoomi 5. Building student culture on campus – Pro- provide co-living spaces for nurturing life-
is designed to viding an opportunity to students to own and long relationships with their peers. After all
re-ignite the work on issues that will help develop their friendship and co-living helps one develop
joy of learn- own alma mater respect for individuality, builds tolerance and
ing and to 6. Personalised Mentorship Program- Stu- teaches everyone to coexist. Each student
catalyze the dents are allotted professional mentors to will be provided with a uniquely designed
process of help them carve their career paths. self-contained living unit consisting of a
discovery 7. International Learning Pathways with comfortable bed, storage space and a cosy
through Multiple Intelligences Framework some of the best Universities and insti- tucked in study space. The programs be-
for enabling the student to choose a career tutions: Partnership with globally well- ing offered by Vijaybhoomi are residential
which is fully aligned with their aspirations. known names such as University of programs and a student can opt to stay on
Dr Navneet Sharma, Dean, IFIM Business Texas,(Arlington), SUNY (Albany), ESCP campus or at outside facilities provided by
School, Greater Mumbai Europe, University of Wollongong (Austra- the University.