Page 11 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 11

offices and suspension of public transport and forced   warns that the likes of the rampant coronavirus pandemic
         confinement of all urban residents countrywide.   hasn’t been experienced for over a century with parents
           “With family members forced to remain indoors 24/7,   having no precedent to fall back upon to cope with nation-
         fear of contracting the virus has been exacerbated by   al lockdowns. Atkins believes that in the circumstances, it’s
         financial anxiety and stressed inter-personal relationships   natural for children to experience anxiety and stress. “In
         transmitted through verbal and non-verbal messages. This   such an unimaginable situation children are certain to feel
         stress manifests in the form of irritability, anger, and frus-  anxious and suffer angst. Therefore, it’s quite possible they
         tration and usually the most vulnerable family members —                    will regress to thumb
         children and women — bear the brunt,” says Dr. San-                         sucking, bed wetting and
         geetha Mahesh, psychologist and relationship consultant                     throw temper tantrums.
         and founder-director of Psycafe, Chennai.                                   In such moments, par-
           Dr. Mahesh believes that children internalise parental                    ents need to be patient,
         fears of the pandemic and associated financial, socio-                      gentle and kind to
         emotional and health anxieties. “Young children may                         them,” says Atkins
         not understand the seriousness of the Covid-19 crisis but                     In India most middle
         witnessing their parents engage in conversations laced with                 class families, spoilt by
         anxiety and fear makes them anxious and insecure. They                      easy availability of cheap
         react by crying, shouting and sulking. In such situations,                  domestic labour, have
         parents need to be calm and positive, assuring children of                  had to learn to adjust to
         their complete love and attention,” advises Mahesh.                         new realities, apart from
           UK-based internationally respected parenting expert                       appreciating household
         and author of the best-seller Parenting Made Easy — How                     help. Comments Jen-
         to Raise Happy Children (and PW columnist), Sue Atkins   Dr. Sue Atkins     nifer Moses, counsel-

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