Page 15 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 15
A liberating force in education, whose time has come!
OVERVIEW Ability to work outside sional degree that the student would like to
Vijaybhoomi University is India’s first Lib- of core area graduate with. The Junior and Senior years
eral Professional University, which uses the enable the student to attain proficiency in
liberal-professional framework of education to the professional course of one’s choice. The
build a unique curriculum aligned to Industry freshmen and the sophomore years are also
4.0. The curriculum facilitates the process of designed for developing new age contempo-
self-discovery in the initial year and thereafter rary skills.
choice of majors and minors to prepare oneself Functional area, The curriculum design for imparting broad-
in high-demand careers in data science, arti- discipline, or er understanding of theory and application of
ficial intelligence, business, law, and design. specialty knowledge in the initial years of study coupled
The university is in Karjat, Greater Mumbai, with the specialization in the Junior and the se-
and nurtures holistic, socially responsible, and nior years is expected to groom a “T” shaped
continuously employable professionals who professional.
can make a positive difference in the world. think of themselves as enablers and mentors, Our goal at Vijaybhoomi is to liberate stu-
allowing students to develop their own learning dents from making career choices based on
LIBERAL-PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUM pathways. The freshmen or first year enables peer or parental pressure. The curriculum is
ARCHITECTURE the discovery process by exposing the stu- designed to re-ignite the joy of learning and
Vijaybhoomi’s curriculum and pedagogy re- dents to multiple disciplines across different to catalyze the process of discovery (through
volves around the process of self-discovery intelligences of the student. The sophomore exposure to Multiple Intelligences) for enabling
and is built on the foundation of liberal frame- and later years help the students to opt for the student to choose a career which is fully
work of education. At Vijaybhoomi, teachers courses to meet the requirements of a profes- aligned with their aspirations.
Vijaybhoomi Vijaybhoomi Vijaybhoomi
University is professors campus is
devoted to think of them- situated in the
nurturing ho- selves as en- lap of nature,
listic, socially ablers, rather and yet it is
responsible, than teachers, close to the
and continu- thus allowing commercial
ously em- students to capital of the
ployable professionals who make a positive develop their own learning pathways. country.
difference in the world. Dr A Parasuraman, Pro-Chancellor Aca- Dr Ashwini Kumar Sharma, Pro-Chancel-
Mr Sanjay Padode, President demics lor Compliance and Administration