Page 309 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 309
Accessing Subobjects
and Using Modeling
odeling is the process of pure creation. Whether it is sculpting, build-
ing with blocks, construction work, carving, architecture, or advanced IN THIS CHAPTER
Minjection molding, many different ways exist for creating objects. Max
includes many different model types and even more ways to work with them. Understanding the
modeling types
This chapter introduces the various modeling methods in Max. It also explains
the common modeling components, including normals and subobjects. The Using normals
chapter also covers many utilities and helpers that, well, help as you begin to
model objects. The purpose of this chapter is to whet your whistle for modeling Working with subobjects
and to cover some of the general concepts that apply to all models. More specific Using Soft Selection
details on the various modeling types are presented in the subsequent chapters,
so onward into the realm of creation. Using helper objects
and utilities
Exploring the Model Types
You can climb a mountain in many ways, and you can model one in many ways.
You can make a mountain model out of primitive objects like blocks, cubes, and
spheres, or you can create one as a polygon mesh. As your experience grows,
you’ll discover that some objects are easier to model using one method and some
are easier using another. Max offers several different modeling types to handle
various modeling situations.
Parametric objects versus editable objects
All geometric objects in Max can be divided into two general categories —
parametric objects and editable objects. Parametric means that the geometry of
the object is controlled by variables called parameters. Modifying these parame-
ters modifies the geometry of the object. This powerful concept gives parametric
objects lots of flexibility. For example, the sphere object has a parameter called
Radius. Changing this parameter changes the size of the sphere. Parametric
objects in Max include all the objects found in the Create menu.
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