Page 501 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 501
Creating and
Applying Standard
ow that you’ve learned the basic material properties and acquainted
yourself with the Material Editor and the Material/Map Browser, this IN THIS CHAPTER
Nchapter gives you a chance to create some simple original materials and
apply them to objects in the scene. The simplest material is based on the Using standard materials
Standard material type, which is the default material type.
Learning the various shaders
Exploring the Material rollouts
Using the Standard Material Apply materials to scene
Standard materials are the default Max material type. They provide a single, uniform
color determined by the Ambient, Diffuse, Specular, and Filter color swatches.
Standard materials can use any one of several different shaders. Shaders are algo-
rithms used to compute how the material should look, given its parameters.
Standard materials have parameters for controlling highlights, opacity, and self-
illumination. They also include many other parameters sprinkled throughout
many different rollouts. With all the various rollouts, even a standard material
has an infinite number of possibilities.
Using Shading Types
Max includes several different shader types. These shaders are all available in a
drop-down list in the Shader Basic Parameters rollout at the top of the Parameter
Editor panel in the Slate Material Editor. The Slate Material Editor is opened
using the Rendering ➪ Material Editor ➪ Slate Material Editor menu command or
by pressing the M key. Each shader type displays different options in its respec-
tive Basic Parameters rollout. Figure 16.1 shows the basic parameters for the
Blinn shader. Other available shaders include Anisotropic, Metal, Multi-Layer,
Oren-Nayar-Blinn, Phong, Strauss, and Translucent Shader.
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