Page 13 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 13

          Accountability                                                    of the Botswana economy, including
                                                                            the related challenges of slow progress
                                                                            on  economic  diversification,  evidenced
          and Transparency                                                  by continuing over-reliance on a single
                                                                            commodity for exports, government
                                                                            revenues  and  growth.  Notwithstanding
          Key to Bank of                                                    the current environment of extreme
                                                                            volatility and uncertainty in global
                                                                            economy and markets, the presentation
          Botswana                                                          will also cover economic outlook for 2020
                                                                            and prospects for recovery in 2021. The
                                                                            review also indicated that the locomotives
                                                                            of the Botswana’s economic growth
                                                                            performance, namely, the diamond
                 he  Bank   of  Botswana                                    revenues and catalytical role of the
                 (BoB) hosted an economic                                   government activities, would be severely
                 briefing  on  14  July  2020                               constrained by the COVID-19 pandemic
         Twhich marked the launch                                           amidst a macroeconomic shock which,
          and dissemination of the  2019 Bank                               according  to  many  commentators,  is
          of Botswana Annual Report, in                                     estimated to likely lead the global, regional
          fulfilment of the Bank’s accountability                           and domestic economy into a recession of
          to  its  key  stakeholders.  The  briefing                        uncertain magnitude and duration; most
          which  included  a  few  presentations                            likely not experienced since the Great
          by  key  BoB  leadership  showed  just                            Depression of the 1930s.
          how  communication is  increasingly
          becoming key in the Bank’s policy “tool-                          The  last  presentation summarised
          kit”, as they use it as a means to meet                           the  theme  topic  for the  2019  Annual
          public expectations of a transparent                              Report, on “Central Bank Governance
          and accountable central bank as well as   Supervision  Report  to  the  Minster of   and Functions in Pursuit of Price
          anchoring policy credibility.    Finance and Economic Development   and Financial Stability”  by Deputy
                                           by June 30, each year. I am happy   Director in the Research and Financial
          The Bank continues  to  explore  ways    to  confirm  that  these  statutory   Stability  Department,  Innocent
          and  means  to  increase channels for   requirements  have  been  consistently   Molalapata. According to Pelaelo,
          sharing information with the public,   adhered to throughout the existence of   this theme explains the role of central
          on various aspects of its operations.   the Bank.”                banks in the economic management
          Therefore, in addition to the revamping                           of any country, evolving institutional
          of the Bank’s  website  in  2019, other   The  Bank’s  Chief  Financial  Officer,   structures, mandates  and objectives.
          platforms, such as social media, are   Daniel Loeto, provided highlights  of   Among others, Molalapata highlighted
          under consideration.             the  Bank’s  financial  performance  and   the importance and linkages of the
                                           operations in 2019 and updates, where   triad of central bank operational
          BoB Governor Moses  Pelaelo said,   relevant. Second, it is a tradition that   autonomy,  transparency  and
          “The Annual Report is published   the  Annual Report also includes  a   accountability  in  facilitating  effective
          in compliance  with the  Bank of   review  of economic   developments    discharge of the central bank mandates
          Botswana Act  and, as a statutory   and outlook. The review  provides  an   and maintenance of macroeconomic
          requirement,  contains  a  report  on   analytical context  and  explanations   stability, attainment of inclusive and
          the  Bank’s operations and audited   for economic developments  and   sustainable economic growth. He
          financial  statements;  therefore,  the   prospects, as well as background to   also reinforced  the  need for central
          Annual Report is the  primary vehicle   policy conduct and operations by the   bank adaptability in  an environment
          for accountability to the nation on the   Bank. This was presented by BoB   of fast and disruptive developments
          operations  and  financial  performance   Director  of Research  and  Financial   in  financial  technology,  aligned  to
          of  the  Bank.  Also,  as  a  statutory   Stability Department.Tshokologo Alex   the nation’s aspirations for digital
          requirement,  the  Bank  publishes   Kganetsano,                  transformation and  knowledge-based
          a monthly Statement of Financial                                  economy.
          Position in the Government Gazette   Interestingly, Kganetsano’s presentation
          and submits an annual  Banking   included an overview of structural features

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