Page 17 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 17


          when informal SMEs are included.


          Acting responsibly

          We have been heartened as a banking
          institution  by  the  responsible
          behaviour of many of our customers
          who have continued to service their
          debt as their situation allows, which                                Noble Magazine
          is  a  very  positive  story in these
          uncertain times.                 Vimal Kumar
                                           Absa Group Limited
          Our customers see us as a bank that   Chief Executive: Retail &            Salutes
          is responsible and willing to assist;   Business Banking, Digital and
          that offers help when they are truly   Customer Experience (Absa
          in need. Yet  they  have  adjusted   Regional Operations)
          their thinking and behaviour to                                          Frontline
          the  existing  environment and  are   Vimal is the Chief Executive of Retail
          responsibly only calling on us when   and Business Banking; Digital and
          they really need us.           Customer Experience (RBB, Digital
                                         &CX) for Absa Regional Operations, at   Workers for
          Absa has a balance  sheet in excess   Absa  Group  Limited  overseeing  RBB
          of almost R1 trillion and is  well-  franchises across nine markets: Zambia,
          positioned  to  withstand  financial   Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda,
          storms,  and  as  a  significant  bank   Mozambique, Tanzania, Mauritius and   resilience in
          on the continent, we play a big part   the Seychelles.
          in  ensuring  stability  to  financial
          systems, as well as being able to offer   Vimal joined the Group as Head
                                         of Lending in 2011 based in Dubai,
          clients and customers a reassuring   providing  strategic  leadership     the fight
          sense of stability and confidence.  achieving  profitable  growth  in  the
                                         Consumer Lending and Credit Card
          But more than what we represent as   businesses. Additionally, he was
          a continental banking institution,   instrumental in the expansion into new   against
          Absa is also Africa, and the essence   segments and markets for the business
          of caring for others underpins
          everything we do. Our commitment   Vimal has over 26 years of experience
          to helping save lives and contributing   in Business Banking, Credit Cards,   Covid-19
          meaningfully  to  the  fight  against   Consumer Loans, Retail Liabilities
          this coronavirus pandemic has seen   and Wealth Management and has
          us make substantial donations to   worked with leading banks including
          national governments and various   Standard Chartered, ANZ Bank,
          Covid-19 relief efforts.       ABN AMRO in Asia, Middle East and
          We  believe  in getting things done,
          and  in  helping  people  find  a  way   He has served  as an Advisor on
          to get things done. And in  these   the CEMEA board for VISA,  the
          extraordinary  times,  we  also  International Advisory Board of
          understand what it means to be   UnionPay International and member
          African: that our common humanity   of the APMEA Chip Sub Committee of
          and our compassion towards  one   MasterCard International. He speaks
          another in  the spirit of  ubuntu, is   on Consumer Banking and Payment
          what will ultimately carry us through   for global  organisations such  as the
          and  be  the  panacea  in  this  fight   Lafferty  Group,  Fleming  Group  and
          against this pandemic.         European Financial Management &
                                         Marketing (EFMA).

                                                                               Noble Magazine   //   July - August 2020  17
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