Page 21 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 21
                                                                                     BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT

          Proportion of loans by sector                Loans by Institutions

          Assistance to SMMEs              forfeit  their  sitting  allowances  for  the   cropping plan to facilitate import
          Operating In LEA Incubators      2020/21 financial year.            substitution.

          Rental holidays of between three (3)   FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES       •  Small-Stock Training and
          and six (6) months have been extended                               Production Incubator
          to Twenty-four (24) SMMEs operating   Whilst COVID-19 has wreaked havoc      The small stock incubator is planned
          at the LEA Incubators who have been   in the economy, it has also provided   for Ghanzi, and will provide training
          adversely  impacted  by  COVID-19.   an  opportunity  for  enterprises  with production to small stock
          This will  assist  in protecting  jobs and   to adapt, innovate and exploit   potential farmers. Graduates from
          expediting business recovery post   new opportunities. Thirteen (13)   the incubator will be supported
          COVID-19 related restrictions.   enterprises  have  been  identified  for   to set up commercial small stock
                                           assistance with scaling up to compete   production businesses across the
          Donation Towards COVID-19        sustainably in  the production of   country. Furthermore, LEA plays a
          Fund                             medical consumables and personal   role  at  the  Lobu  small  stock  farm,
          Through the Glen Valley Horticulture   hygiene products. This support will   and will support farmers through
          Incubator LEA has donated 170kg of   also  be  extended  to  enterprises  that   virtual incubation to ensure business
          tomatoes to the Government COVID-19   provide goods and services that are   growth.
          Relief fund, to be used at health facilities   imported in large quantities, and will
          and other Government institutions.   be supported through the following   HARNESSING ICT
          The farm continues to produce, and   projects.
          supplies retail stores in Gaborone                                It is imperative for enterprises to trade
          to alleviate shortages of vegetables.   •  Horticulture Promotion   through digital channels in order  to
          LEA has partnered with BIUST to    Projects                       remain relevant in the 4IR. LEA is
          manufacture soap and liquid detergent      Plans are at an advanced stage,   working towards availing access to
          as contribution towards the fight againt   and partners have been identified   online resources tailored towards
          Corona virus. 5000 bar soaps and   to develop the horticulture sector   building SMMEs capabilities, with
          4000 (750ml) bottles have already   at strategic locations across the   focus on business continuity, to assist
          been donated to the Government to   county, through provision of   with business recovery. On the overall,
          distribute amongst communities in the   infrastructure and expertise that   in order to leapfrog and leverage on
          Central region.                    will enable the farmers to produce   ICT as a business enabler, we have
                                             various crops for the local and   partnered with stakeholder institutions
          Also, the LEA Executive and Senior   export market. Three locations   to  collectively  explore  value  chain
          Management  have  contributed 10%   have been identified for this   opportunities for digitization and
          of their basic salary for three (3)   purpose and clients with potential   online trading platforms for producers
          months to the COVID 19 Relief Fund.   to scale up are being considered   to link with the retailers and other
          Additionally, the LEA Board Chairman   to occupy the land. LEA will use a   sources of markets. The plan is to pilot
          and  Vice  Chairman  have  offered  to   cluster model and coordinate the   with the horticultural produce.

                                                                               Noble Magazine   //   July - August 2020  21
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