Page 20 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 20


         Crisis Management

          Local Enterprise Authority

          (LEA) Response to Covid 19

                 he advent of the 4IR                                       SUPPORT EXTENDED TO
                 has introduced business                                    SMMEs BY LEA
                 disruption as a strategy for
         Tmarket entry and penetration.                                     Business Continuity:
         The COVID-19 pandemic has however                                  LEA assisted enterprises that supply
         brought about disruption on a scale that                           essential services to procure permits
         is unprecedented. At the end of March                              for  their  staff,  as  well  as  facilitating
         2020, LEA conducted a snap survey                                  imports of raw materials for the
         to assess the impact of COVID-19 on                                production  of hand sanitisers and
         LEA registered SMMES across the LEA                                medical gowns. Businesses were also
                                                                            assisted to collaborate so as to optimise
         branches country-wide.
         The survey covered 382 enterprises,                                Market Access
         and revealed the following notable
         highlights;                                                        LEA facilitated enterprises to expedite
                                                                            the testing and certification of essential
         •  63% of businesses surveyed had                                  products at Botswana Bureau of
            suspended operations, with an   The  142  (37%) enterprises that   Standards, to ensure that they could
            average  reduction  in  monthly  remained  operational  faced  the  supply  products  of  the  required
            revenue of 47%. The 382 enterprises   following challenges that jeopardised   quality.  Thereafter,  the  businesses
            have 2,669 employees, with a total   their viability.           were supported to secure orders in
            wage bill of P5.9 million.                                      the amount of  P2 312 519.35  for
                                           •  Challenges  in  importing  raw
                                             materials.                     COVID-19 related goods, ranging from
         •  The tourism sector, which accounts   •  Reduced revenue due to COVID-19   hand sanitizers, surgical gloves and
            for 27% of the jobs in the survey,   related restrictions.      masks, face shields, cleaning chemicals
            bore the brunt of the impact, with   •  Inability to pay fixed costs (salaries,   as  well  as  foodstuffs  and  horticultural
            a 72% revenue loss in March 2020,   rentals, loans etc).        produce.
            which put 729 jobs at risk.
                                                                            Access to Financial Relief
           Average monthly decline in           Employees by sector
             revenue in March 2020                                          Of the 382 SMMEs surveyed, 209
                                                                            had loans, with a total loan balance
                                                                            of P130,197,045. Three Hundred
                                                                            (300) SMMEs have been assisted with
                                                                            applications to BURS for the wage
                                                                            subsidy, which helped avert job losses,
                                                                            especially in the tourism sector, which
                                                                            accounts for 61% of the loan balance.
                                                                            A further 19 businesses were assisted
                                                                            to apply for working capital and loan
                                                                            repayment holidays at CEDA and
                                                                            commercial banks.

         20  Noble Magazine   //  July - August 2020
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