Page 26 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 26


         COVID-19 Solutions

                    Botswana Innovation

            Fund Announces Covid 19

                     Innovative Solutions

                 otswana Innovation Hub    process,  five  projects  were  selected  to   scan  once  they  arrive  at  the  service
                 (BIH)   has   announced   receive funding.                 provider. QFlo allows organisations
                 recipients of the Botswana                                 to better control the flow of clients to
         BInnovation         Fund   (BIF)  The solutions are; A remote queuing   and at their premises. It also allows
          Third Call for Proposals. A total of   system developed by Creative   clients to manage their time and
          395 applications were received in   Insights (PTY) Ltd            safeguards their health and safety.
          response to the BIF Call for Proposals   The need for social distancing and   Beyond COVID 19, QFlo will help
          for solutions addressing the COVID   reduction of crowds, especially in high   organisations manage their customer
          19 pandemic and its associated socio-  traffic areas, is imperative to curtail   flow more efficiently, ultimately
          economic  effects.    Proposals were   the spread of COVID 19. Creative   improving customer experience.
          evaluated based on the proposed   Insights  are  developing  a  QFlo  App
          solutions’  unique  value  proposition,   that enables end users to book a   A First-Aid Counselling App
          social impact, commercial viability,   spot  in  a  queue  virtually  through   being developed by First-Aid
          technical viability and the individuals’/  WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and   Counselling
          teams’ ability and capability to develop   SMS. The end user receives a virtual
          and  commercialise  the  solution.  ticket confirming their spot in the   One of the effects of the extreme social
          Following  a  rigorous  assessment  queue  with  a  QRCode  which  they   distancing protocols put in place in

         26  Noble Magazine   //  July - August 2020
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