Page 27 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 27
                                                                                INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY

                                           A Digital Social Welfare System   their preferred doctor. Consultation
                                           developed by Spectrum Analytics  will be done by way of text or video call
                                                                            through the application.  Online Doctor
                                           The use of manual and paper-based   Consultation will reduce congestion in
                                           processes created an opportunity for   medical facilities and allow for effective
                                           digitizing data to improve turnaround   social distancing. Beyond COVID 19, the
                                           times in registering and delivering   App will reduce the burden of travelling
                                           food relief packages to households   to access a doctor. Doctors E-Consult
                                           through the COVID-19 Food Relief   takes convenience and confidentially to
                                           Programme.  Spectrum  Analytics  is   a whole new level as it is easily accessed
                                           developing a Social Welfare System that   within the comfort of one’s home.
                                           provides a dashboard with actionable
                                           insights for not just monitoring and   Commenting on the announcement,
                                           evaluation purposing, but for planning,   BIH  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Alan
                                           designing and delivering evidence-  Boshwaen said, “We are pleased to have
                                           based interventions on programmes.   received an increase in the number of
                                           Post  COVID-19,  a  similar  system  can   applications (395) compared  to the
                                           be used for the management of relief   First and Second Calls  for proposals
                                           programmes by the Ministry of Local   indicating a significant level of interest
                                           Government and Rural Development,   and  efforts  to  innovate  by  Batswana
                                           at regional and national level.   particularly in the backdrop  of the
                                                                            COVID 19 pandemic. Our journey of
                                           A Public Transport Passenger     Digital  Transformation  necessarily
                                           Alert  System   developed   by   requires  that  Botswana  move  swiftly
                                           Corrugated Minds                 towards the digitisation of services
                                                                            for  improved  efficiencies.  We  are
                                           Solution: Public Transport       encouraged to see that the funded
                                           Passenger Alert System           digital  solutions  introduce  efficiencies
                                           The use of public transport is   across counselling, healthcare service
                                           considered high risk for COVID 19   provision,  queue  management,  social
                                           transmissions.  Corrugated  Minds  are   work  services  through  paperless
                                           developing ShareAride; a mobile and   processes hence positioning us well for
                                           web application solution that makes it   the 4  Industrial Revolution.”
                                           easy to access public transport, book a
                                           seat  thereby  eliminating  long  queues
                                           at travel times. Commuters are able to
                                           make virtual payments for their tickets.
                                           system,  hence  enabling  easy  contact  “ Digital
                                           When  fully operational, the solution
                                                                                   ...Our journey of
                                           will  digitize  the  public  transport
          response to the COVID 19 pandemic   tracing of commuters. This solution will   Transformation
          is a rise in mental related issues. Our   enable the public transport operators to   necessarily requires
          experience  in  Botswana  has  shown   efficiently manage their operations and   that Botswana move
          that there is a need for technologically   provide best service to their clients.  swiftly towards
          advanced health and wellness solutions
          which  can  operate  even  during  times   An online doctor consultation   the digitisation
          when social isolation restrictions are in   application developed by Doctors   of services
          effect. First Aid Counselling is an App   E-Consult                      for improved
          that allows users to get professional
          mental health help within minutes.   Solution: Online Doctor             efficiencies.  ”
          Under normal circumstances, access   Consultation
          to a counsellor or psychologist can take   Online Doctor Consultation is a mobile
          up to 2 weeks. First Aid Counselling   application, which will be a doctor-
          will enable one to receive help from   patient consulting room on a phone
          anywhere, anytime, by simply logging   or device. The application will house
          into the App.                    doctors around the country and patients
                                           can book virtual appointments with

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