Page 32 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 32


         Domestic Flights

                                                                            The Airline extends its
                                                                            heartfelt gratitude to
                                                                            customers, staff and
                                                                            the public for their
                                                                            immense support and
                                                                            understanding during
                                                                            these difficult times.
                                                                            To add on, the airline
          Air Botswana Recommences                                          further encourages
                                                                            the public  to take
          Scheduled Operations                                              advantage of the
                                                                            efficient point-to-point
                                                                            air travel services, that
                                                                            are conducted under
                he  Air  Botswana  Board,  an opportunity to  reunite  its  valued   strict protocols and
                Management  and  Staff  have   customers with  their  loved ones,   regularly supervised by
                announced the re-introduction   their  businesses  and  nature,” said  Air   capable entities, such
         Tof the  airline’s scheduled      Botswana General Manager, Agnes
          domestic  operations  effective  17  July   Khunwana.             as the Civil Aviation
          2020. This resumption is subject to                               Authority of Botswana
          health and safety protocols and the   She further stated that Air Botswana has   (CAAB) and Port
          new  ways of working. The  Airline   a commendable  record of the  highest   Health officials.
          shall  gradually  increase  frequency  of   safety and operational standards and
          operations on the basis of demand and   as such, safety remains at the heart of
          reinstate regional operations as soon as   the business. “After the great set-back
          current travel restrictions are lifted.   we have suffered as an industry, we are
                                           counting  on our  customers  to  support   protocols and regularly supervised
          “This  is  an exciting  development, one   us  through  this  difficult  period  in  the   by capable entities, such as the Civil
          that  we  have  been  eagerly  awaiting!   history of aviation. We will incorporate   Aviation Authority of Botswana (CAAB)
          We  are  looking forward to resuming   all industry best practices and national   and Port Health officials.
          operations and embracing our new ways   regulations   in   the   fight   against
          of working. As we gradually reintroduce   COVID-19,” added Khunwana.   In  furtherance  of  the  fight  to  contain
          operations, we will continually explore                           the COVID-19 pandemic, Air Botswana
          other possible  recovery strategies that   The Airline extends its heartfelt   has put in place contactless booking
          address the  commercial viability and   gratitude  to  customers,  staff  and  the   and ticketing mechanisms through its
          business sustainability of the national   public for their immense support and   online booking and ticketing platform
          airline, without compromising the   understanding  during  these  difficult   ( and
          health  and  safety  of  both  staff  and   times. To add on, the  airline further   encourages patrons to take advantage of
          customers. Following the suspension of   encourages the public  to take advantage   the same.
          operations towards the end of March,   of the efficient point-to-point air travel
          Air Botswana has been  waiting for   services, that are conducted under strict

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