Page 33 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 33

          Ethiopian Announces                                               com/aa/travel-updates. As countries
                                                                            continue  to open  their borders and
          Resumption of                                                     relax  travel  restrictions, Ethiopian
                                                                            is  ready  to  increase  frequencies  to
                                                                            accommodate the demand by focusing
          Regular Service                                                   on the  wellbeing  of customers  and

                  thiopian Airlines, Africa’s   measures to 42. As countries continue   “These resumptions
                  largest  airline is  resuming   to open-up their airports for passenger   will bring the total
                  service to Dubai further to   arrival, Ethiopian will announce list of   number of destinations
         Ethe ending of the lock-down      these destinations in due course.
          and its  opening for leisure  travelers                                to be served by
          as of 8 July 2020.  Djibouti has also   The  Airline also  announced  for its   Ethiopian with enhanced
          announced that it will end lock-down   esteemed  customers that Facemasks   safety measures to 42.
          on 17 July 2020. As a result, Ethiopian   will  be  mandatory  for travel and   As countries continue to
          will resume normal service to Djibouti   are  requested  to  satisfy  destination   open-up their airports
          on the same day.  The airline is also   entry  requirements  such  as  health   for passenger arrival,
          resuming  service  to  Douala  and   certificates and fill health declaration
          Yaoundé  as of 13  July 2020.  These   forms  if  required.  Up  to  date   Ethiopian will announce
          resumptions will bring  the total   destination  entry  requirements  can   list of these destinations
          number of  destinations to  be  served   be  found  on its  website  using  the   in due course.
          by Ethiopian  with  enhanced  safety   link  https://www.ethiopianairlines.             ”

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