Page 9 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 9

Letshego offers
 financing up to

                                                                                            on the COVER

          The Backbone of

          Letshego Botswana -

          Fergus Ferguson

 ///////////////////////  WHO CAN APPLY?  ///////////////////////

          Letshego’s legacy is spanning more than 21 years of improving lives since first opening
 Micro or Small Entrepreneurs  Botswana Citizen or majority
 with a valid purchase order  shareholder is a Motswana citizen  its doors in Gaborone in 1998 is testament to its commitment to delivering sustainable
          value in all the communities it operates in. Achieving a measurable social impact is
          central to the Company’s strategy, which is why it encourages its customers to use funds
 Caution: Borrowing more than you can afford can lead to financial difficulties   for productive purposes such as such as education, healthcare and business expansion.
          Letshego’s annual Improving Life Campaigns demonstrates the value in using funds
 *Terms and conditions apply  for productive purposes by rewarding those customers who have managed to not only
          improve their own life with a Letshego loan, but the lives of many others with that same
          loan.  Noble Magazine interviewed the man in the big seat, Letshego Botswana
 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL:  Chief Executive Officer, Fergus Ferguson to get an in-depth perception into what
 + 267 364 3300 / +267 398 4733  he is doing in terms of business continuity.
 + 267 398 4705 / +267 398 4734
 or visit your nearest Letshego branch.

                  fter studying Accounting at   Group’s credit risk division, I moved   to become a truly world-class retail
                  the University of Botswana,   to my current role as CEO of Letshego   financial services organisation - watch
                  Fergus Ferguson entered   Botswana  three  years  ago.  Letshego   this  space  as  we  digitise  our lending
         Athe           financial   services   is  one  of  Botswana’s  leading  financial   processes  in truly innovative  ways
          industry and found his passion,   services companies, and to be given the   that  benefit  Batswana,”  highlighted
          focusing  specifically  in  consumer   opportunity to lead the group’s largest   Ferguson.
          credit risk, an area of expertise he has   subsidiary has been a great opportunity.
          since specialised in, given the enabling   Being at the forefront of developing   Letshego’s Response to
          impact effective credit can provide for   and driving strategy for Letshego   COVID-19
          emerging and growing economies. As   Botswana, building a compelling story
          the  backbone  of Letshego, Ferguson   for colleagues and other stakeholders   With  the  world  feeling  the  effects  of
          believes  commercial strategies can   alike  has been  challenging and yet   COVID-19 pandemic, the virus has
          and should be structured to bring   fulfilling,”  noted  Ferguson.  According   had an impact on the lives of Letshego
          tangible sustainable benefits to broader   to him, in  the last year, Letshego has   colleagues, customers, government,
          communities, hence  his synergy with   maintained a strong book, improved   economy and society at large. Ferguson
          Letshego – a Botswana-born entity that   the  risk  profile  by  enhancing  the   stated, “Our priority remains the health
          has always sought to expand access to   Company’s ability to manage solutions   and wellbeing of our colleagues and
          credit  and  financial  services  with  the   with  customers’  unique  levels  of   customers, and as  such, Letshego has
          objective of promoting productive loan   affordability and expanded its offering   implemented pandemic response plans,
          use, and ultimately improving the lives   to Small and Medium Entrepreneurs.   health interventions and precautionary
          of individuals.                  Last  year  the  profits  passed  the  P500   policies  to protect our people  and
                                           million  mark  for  the  first  time.  “The
          “Having spent several years in the   future is bright as Letshego journeys    Continues in Page 10
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