Page 4 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 4

Editor’s Note                                                         

                                                                                       DIRECTOR OF MARKETING
                                                                                         Herine Lilian Amuki

                                          lthough businesses are facing                   EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
                                          challenges due to the COVID-19, we                Ulla Setswalo
                                          are glad to have loyal clients who have
                                Abeen supportive through this time. The                   CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                           Merero Partners
                                 resilience of our business community inspires              Chris Douglas
                                 us to work harder and publish the e-magazine.
                                 We are excited to have Letshego CEO, Fergus           CONTRIBUTING AGENCIES
                                 Ferguson on our cover page.                                  Hotwire
                                                                                           Horizon Ogilvy
                                 Letshego is one of the leading home-grown               The Dialogue Group
                                 financial services providers in Botswana and               Red Pepper
                                 has a footprint across Africa. As if that wasn’t           PR Practice
                                 excitement enough, this issue is filled with             Native Impressions
                                 interesting reads that address issues that               DESIGN & LAYOUT
                                 businesses are dealing with during this pandemic.          Ulla Setswalo
                                 The Bank of Botswana article will highlight what
                                 the Bank stands for.                                     ABOUT THIS ISSUE
                                                                                          July - August 2020
                                                                                          Volume 4, Issue 20
                                 Subsequently, we tackle banking, financial topics
                                 by local banks as well as business development            ONLINE ISSUE
         Ulla Setswalo           articles by various companies. Chris Douglas   
                                 brings another interesting money laundering            ISSN 2520‐4610 (Online)
                                 piece and he has partnered with Merero partners.        ISSN 2520‐4602 (Print)

                                 On the aviation section, we bring good news
                                 about the resumption of Air Botswana and
                                 Ethiopian Airlines flights. For the first time in
                                 the magazine, we have profiled a health care
                                 professional, a young successful Dentist.             NOBLE is published Bi-monthly,
                                                                                      by Noble Insider (Pty) Ltd, Plot 863,
                                                                                      Extension 2, Gaborone Botswana.
                                 Further to that, we also bring you motivating         We have an Online publication
                                 and thought- provoking articles in the hospitality     which is published monthly.
                                 section. We hope the positive story on how              CONTACT INFORMATION
                                                                                          Tel / Fax +267 3116681
                                 Staywell Hotels is coming up with ways to do         For Subscriptions: visit www.noble.
                                 business in the new normal will inspire the sector; write Noble Subscriber
                                 and others to persevere during these trying times.   Service, P.O. Box 402462 Gaborone
                                                                                      Botswana or call +267 73 048 407
                                 Remember, this too shall pass!
                                                                                      For Article Reprints or Permission
                                                                                       to use Noble content including
                                                                                       text, photos, illustrations, logos,
                                 From me and the team at Noble– stay safe, wear       and video: e-mail nobleulla2020@
                                 your mask and practice social distancing!      Permission to
                                                                                       copy or republish articles can
                                                                                       also be obtained through the
                                                                                        Copyright Clearance Center
                                                                                        at Use
                                                                                        of Noble content without the
                                                                                       express permission of Noble or
                                                                                       the copyright owner is expressly
                                                                                      Copyright © 2020 Noble Insider.
                                                                                          All rights reserved.
                                                                                          Printed in Botswana
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