Page 138 - Red Feather Book 2
P. 138

  Read the sentences below. Circle the adverb. On the line write if the word it modifies is a verb, adjective or adverb.
 1. I would like for you to slowly read this story.
 2. He was such a good servant, he was the KingĀ“s favorite.
3. The rumor about the princess spread very rapidly.
4. The servant did his tasks rather effortlessly.
5. She quickly went down into the garden and strewed with her own hands ten sacks-full of millet-seed.
6. The youth sat down in the garden and calmly considered how it might be possible.
     7. The servant quite proudly told the princess he had finished the task.
8. We seldom see such brave young men.
9. He worked daily to complete his tasks.
10. Their love will last forever.
Adverbs. Write five sentences using adverbs. Circle the adverbs.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
                 The White Snake 135 by The Grimm Brothers

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