P. 2


            first of all, the author would like to thank God Almighty for His mercy

            and grace, so that the author can complete this E-Book. The writer also
            expresses our gratitude to those who supported the smooth running of this

            textbook starting from the writing process
            Meanwhile,  our  textbook  entitled  'Descriptive  Text'  has  been  completed

            by the author in the best possible way so that it is of benefit to readers

            who  need  information  and  knowledge  about  the  importance  of  using
            descriptive text in everyday life, especially for grade 7 junior high school

            students, who will be an alternative learning both teacher and student.

            The author is aware that there are still many omissions and mistakes that
            are of course far from perfect in this book. Therefore, the author requests

            that  readers  provide  criticism  and  suggestions  for  the  work  of  this
            textbook  so  that  the  author  can  continue  to  improve  the  quality  of  the


            Thus  the  author  of  this  textbook,  hopes  that  readers  can  understand  the
            information  and  also  gain  insight  into  Descriptive  text  which  can  be

            useful for students,Thank you.

                                                                 Klungkung, December 2022

                                                                              The Author

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