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OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF                                                                                        WELCOME
               The Institution of Occupational Safety
               and Health (IOSH) is the world’s leading
                                                     New year, new
               professional body for people responsible
               for safety and health in the workplace.

               Published by Redactive Publishing Ltd
               9 Dallington Street, London, EC1V 0LN
               Joanne Perry
                                                               t’s now 2024 and, sadly, Santa
               DEPUTY EDITOR
               Alex Lacey                                      Claus didn’t deliver me a
               CONTENT SUB-EDITORS                       I     hoverboard à la Back to the
               James Hundleby, Amy Beveridge
                                                               Future Part II. This seems
               DIGITAL EDITOR                        strangely symbolic of my view that, while
               Kellie Williams
           technology advances, the world of OSH is
               DESIGNER                              slower to catch up.
               Craig Bowyer
                                                       While I am full of optimism as I take up
               PICTURE RESEARCHER                    the role of IOSH president, I’m also in no   give us greater reach and empower us to
               Claire Echavarry

                                                     doubt as to the scale of the challenge facing   make effective changes.
               Display sales +44 (0) 20 7880 7613    our profession.                     But this will take more than the
                  In the gap between our New Year   expertise and efforts of IOSH and our

               Recruitment sales +44 (0) 20 7880 7662
                   celebrations and this issue of your   members. It’s a wicked problem that will
               PRODUCTION                            magazine reaching you, 15,000 people will   take many more protagonists – including
               Rachel Young +44 (0) 20 7880 6209     have died from work-related ill health and   businesses, governments and other
                                                     workplace accidents. That’s five times the   professions – to find the answers.


               Aaron Nicholls                        number that perished in the  9/11 attacks.   Through IOSH’s five-year strategy,
                                                     This has got to change.           Activate 2028, we can lead the way in
               Redactive aims to provide authoritative and accurate
               information at all times. Its publications are, however,   We have to challenge ourselves. All of us   demonstrating what great OSH looks like
               for guidance only and are not an official information
                                                     must question whether what we’re doing   and how it’s delivered. We must focus
               The inclusion of advertisements and inserts within IOSH
               magazine and does not constitute   is working and, if it isn’t, ask how we can   on health as well as safety, working to
               an endorsement of the organisation or its products/

               services by IOSH or Redactive. All advertisements must   make changes for the benefit of society.   prevent people dying from work-related
               adhere to the British Code of Advertising Practice.
                                                     We must test whether we’re focused on the   ill health, and we must strive at all times
               All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
               reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted   right things.   to reduce harm. We must move beyond
               in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical
               or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the   Globally, we continue to be plagued by   the metrics to tell the story of the value
               publisher and editor.
                                                     an unacceptably high number of serious   of good OSH in terms that engage both
               For changes to your address, please contact IOSH
               membership team on or   injuries, fatalities and debilitating ill   business and society.
               0116 257 3198.
               ISSN 2396-7447               © IOSH 2024  health. It’s our obligation as a profession   To me, IOSH must be a thought
                                                     to combat this. We have a mandate from   leader, bringing people together to drive
                          IOSH magazine is printed by
                          ISO 14001 certified printers.   the International Labour Organization   research and turn it into meaningful
                          Printed by Warners Midlands   to ensrine a healthy and safe work   tools of practice. We must light the way
                          plc, The Maltings, Manor Lane,
                          Bourne, PE10 9PH           environment as a fundamental principle   for the next generation, making sure the
                                                     and right at work. We can see the link   experience we hold in our membership
                                                     between the work we do in OSH and   doesn’t disappear. We should always
                                                     the delivery of the UN Sustainable   recognise the amazing work of our
                                                     Development Goals. These mechanisms   volunteers and the vital work done by the
                          ADVERTISE WITH
                                                                                       members, for the members.
                          IOSH MAGAZINE
                          Scan the QR code                                               One thing is certain – the next
                          to access our              WE MUST MOVE BEYOND               12 months will see me champion OSH
                          media sales pack
                                                     THE METRICS TO TELL               for the benefit of our members, our

                          ARE YOU
                          RECRUITING?                                                  profession and society.
                          Promote your health        THE STORY OF THE VALUE
                          and safety job on
                          the official careers       OF GOOD OSH                       Stuart Hughes
                          site for IOSH                                                IOSH PRESIDENT
                                                                                                             IOSH MAGAZINE  3
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