Page 7 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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                                                                                              The rise of



                                                                                              of UK workers would
                                                                                              consider ‘climate quitting’:
                                                                                              leaving their job if
                                                                                              their employer was not
                                                                                              sustainable enough


                           1. MENTAL HEALTH                                                   of over-55s claimed
                                                                                              they would ‘climate
                                                                                              quit’ if their employer
                           Stress tops table of                                               was greenwashing
                           workplace hazards
                           for safety reps                                                   48%

                           A survey of UK safety   by two separate concerns,
                                                                                              said they would ‘never’
                           representatives has    both at 29% – slips,                        consider a job in
                           found that stress is the   trips and falls, and back               certain professions for
                                                                                              environmental and moral
                           workplace hazard that most   strains. Slightly lower
                                                                                              reasons, even if it off ered

                           concerns respondents.  figures were listed for                      a competitive package
                             More than 3000 safety   overwork (28%) and
                           reps were asked to identify   harassment, violence
                           the main hazards of    and verbal abuse (26%).
                           concern at their workplace   Although stress remains               54%
                           and then rank the top fi ve   the most common top-fi ve
                           in order of importance,   concern in both the public
                                                                                              of Gen Z employees
                           with 59% listing stress   and private sectors, the                 would leave their current
                           as the hazard that most   survey findings reveal that               position if their employer

                                                                                              were found to be guilty
                           concerns them. Bullying/  stress is more likely to be
                                                                                              of greenwashing
                           harassment came second,   an issue in the former, with
                           with 45% of respondents   64% of public sector safety
                                                                                                  Read what Ruth
                           citing it.             representatives citing it
                                                                                                  Wilkinson, head of policy
                             COVID-19 exposure    compared with 52% in the                    at IOSH, has to say about the
                           – a new addition to this   private sector.                         research at
                           year’s survey – was                                        PHOTOGRAPHY: ISTOCK  climate-quitting
                           listed in third place               *Source: 2000 people were surveyed by
                           (39%).This was followed    reps-report                             Resource Solutions

                                                                                                             IOSH MAGAZINE  7

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