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3. STATS                                  4. IOSH NEWS
                   Just 1 in 3                               Time to tackle the plague of                                  THE KNOWLEDGE  THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS ISSUE
                   cancer suff erers                         work accidents and ill health,
                   satisfied with                             says new IOSH president

                   employer support
                                                             The health and safety profession must challenge itself to develop new ways
                   Just a third of workers who have had cancer   of tackling the ‘unacceptably high’ number of work-related deaths, fatalities

                   feel satisfied that their employer made    and ill health, according to IOSH’s new president.
                                                                                                        nd unhealth
                   ‘reasonable adjustments’ to their job to    With an estimated 7500 people dying because of unsafe and unhealthy
                   help them manage their long-term health   working conditions every day around the world, Stuart Hughes
                   condition, new UK research has revealed.  CFIOSH says the OSH profession has an obligation to combat  t
                                                             this by working together with businesses, governments and
                   36%                                       other professions.
                                                               Read more about Stuart’s plan for his
                   of respondents were satisfied              presidency at

                   with adjustments                          becomes-president and follow the IOSH podcast
                                                             at for an interview
                   33%                                       with Stuart, coming soon.

                   of female respondents were satisfied
                   with the support provided, compared
                   with 39% of their male counterparts
                   25%                                       Devoted asbestos
                   of those aged 55 or over were not         campaigner mourned
                   happy with the adjustments made           Tributes have poured in for a mesothelioma sufferer who dedicated her time

                   to accommodate their needs
                                                             to supporting others with the disease and raising awareness of the dangers
                   29%                                       of asbestos.
                                                               Dr Mavis Nye passed away in November 2023. She was diagnosed with the
                                                             disease in 2009, decades after being exposed to asbestos via her husband
                   have been satisfied with the

                                                             Ray, who worked in a dockyard in Kent, UK.

                   physical modifications that their
                                                               OSH professionals from around the globe shared their reflections

                   employer has offered them
                                                             on the news of Mavis’ passing – see what they had to say at
                   have been satisfied with

                   the flexible working off ered

                   28%                                                   IOSH scoops three

                   have been satisfied with the coaching                  industry accolades
                   support offered, the study finds

                                                                         IOSH magazine, its video series and IOSH’s Blueprint
                   23%                                                   programme were recognised at the Association Excellence
                                                                         Awards, held last November at the Grand Connaught Rooms

                                                             in London, reflecting the strength and breadth of IOSH’s membership benefits.
                   Less than a quarter of those polled
                                                               For the quality of its editorial content, IOSH magazine won two bronze
                   (23%) said they would proactively
                                                             awards – in the best magazine and best video series categories. In the
                   explain their legal rights 
                                                             professional development category, IOSH won the gold award trophy for its
                       Source: The Opinium Research UK study,   Blueprint programme, which was only launched last year.
                       undertaken for back-to-work
                   rehabilitation specialist Working To Wellbeing  Find out more:
                                                                                                             IOSH MAGAZINE  9
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