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                        AUGMENTED WORK FOR AN

                        AUTOMATED, AI-DRIVEN WORLD

                        AI won’t replace people –   augmented by ‘machines’
                        but people who use artificial   at least since the Industrial

                        intelligence (AI) will replace   Revolution. AI is accelerating
                        people who don’t.       this process, but the ‘era’
                          IBM’s Institute for Business   started long ago.
                        Value (IBM IBV) carried out a
                        global survey of 3000 C-suite   Challenges
                        leaders and 21,000 workers   The report states
                        between December 2022 and   that ‘no level [of
                        January 2023. The leaders’   management] is
                        responses were compared   immune to the impact’
                        with self-reported measures   of AI. However, while most
                        of organisational success,   executives acknowledge

                        including profitability,   the impact of AI on entry-
                        innovation and employee   level positions, only 22%
                        retention. These measures   acknowledged that AI
                        are reported as being higher   could impact senior
                        for organisations that put   management roles.
                        new technologies at the   Executives estimated
                        core of changes to their   that 40% of their

                        operating model, rather than   workforce will need to reskill   different hazards or existing   the new division of work

                        ‘bolting innovations onto an   over the next three years.   hazards in different ways. We   between humans and
                        outdated model’.        However, the most critical   should look inside our own   machines. This starts with

                          A key finding is that people   skills required are those   organisations to see where   understanding priorities and
                        will remain essential to the   such as time management,   AI will change work, and   defining operating models,

                        success of organisations: AI   prioritisation, effectiveness in   get involved with managing   and then considering how
                        won’t replace them. But to   a team and adaptability. Yet   those changes, to develop   to make work rewarding
                        succeed, organisations need   technological illiteracy was   Management of Change   and carry out the required
                        to change the way that tasks   cited as the second greatest   mindsets in the workplace.   investment in people.
                        are allocated between people   talent-related challenge by   We can encourage good   As OSH professionals, we
                        and machines. This is the   executives. To keep your job   governance in relation to   have experience in all these
                        ‘augmented’ work referred   you don’t need to be able to   the adoption of technology,   areas – but we need the
                        to in the report title – as IBM   program AI but you do need   following the five principles   understanding to apply them

                        describes it, ‘an era when   to develop the ‘literacy’ to   cited in this report:   in the rapidly evolving world
                        human-machine partnerships   identify where to use it.   explainability, fairness,   of work.
                        boost productivity and deliver                  robustness, transparency
                        exponential business value’.   Takeaways        and privacy.                To read the original
                          Perhaps IBM didn’t    New ways of working       The action guide provides   report, see
                        notice that work has been   mean learning to manage   useful steps for navigating   downloads/cas/NGAWMXAK

                                                                                                             IOSH MAGAZINE  11

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