Page 10 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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Inside the
Bridget Leathley CFIOSH explores
recent OSH developments to reveal the
takeaways and challenges for practice.
INSECURE WORK retail and agriculture. Salaries have information. As OSH professionals,
an impact on how much choice people this is a reminder to make sure that all
LIMITING CHOICES: have, with 44% of insecure workers workers are given all the information
earning less than £18,000 per year they need in relation to safety
WHY PEOPLE RISK saying they have no other choices; only and health.
18% of those on salaries over £65,000 Many of the calls to action in this
INSECURE WORK per year feel their choices are limited. report are aimed at government
departments – in particular, to
Money can’t buy you happiness, but Challenges increase the availability and level of
insufficient money and insecure work Workers’ choices are limited by statutory sick pay. But organisations
have a significant impact on mental geography, lack of flexibility or skill can give workers realistic choices by
health. requirements. People with disabilities providing flexibility in secure work
An estimated 3.9 million people are in report that secure work often doesn’t where this is practical. In the UK,
insecure work in the UK (TUC, 2023). provide the flexibility they need. we need to follow the progress of
With increases in the cost of living, why A high proportion of all workers are the Workers (Predictable Terms and
do so many people choose insecure concerned about financial security: Conditions) Act 2023 (expected to be
work? And what responsibilities do OSH 77% of insecure workers and 73% of enacted in 2024) and assess its impact
professionals have in this area? secure workers. on our workplaces.
The Work Foundation, based at Those on low earnings report
Lancaster University’s Management poorer mental health. Security of To read the original report, see
School, conducts applied research work mitigates this, but not much. For
aimed at improving working lives. This those with incomes of £18,000 or less,
survey of 2000 secure and 2032 insecure 19% of insecure workers Bridget Leathley is a freelance health PHOTOGRAPHY: SHUTTERSTOCK
workers was funded and supported by report poor mental and safety consultant and a health and
the public services union, Unison. health, compared safety trainer.
The report uses two definitions of with 17% of secure
insecure work. One definition combines workers. Above an income
the idea of contractual insecurity, of £65,000 a year, the
unpredictable or low pay, and lack of proportion of workers
access to employment rights. However, reporting poor mental
the survey used a much broader health drops to 4%.
definition, which includes well-paid
freelancers with regular contracts. Takeaways
Women and disabled people are over- Part-timers report that
represented in insecure work, and the they don’t always
sectors most affected include hospitality, receive important
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