Page 5 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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                                                                                               THE EVIDENCE

                                                                                               7O   ROUNDUP
                                                                                                    Safety training
                                                                  32                                and reports relevant
                    THE PRACTICE                                                                    The latest research

                    38   PPE                                                                        to OSH professionals
                         What next for PPE?                                                    72   DEEP DIVE
                         How technological advances              SMARTER                            Research: in depth
                         and workforce changes will             AND SAFER                           A closer look at
                         shape protective equipment                                                 two new studies
                                                            How emotional intelligence
                    42   HOW TO...                             helps people mitigate           THE LAST WORD
                         Keep up with CPD
                                                              safety and health risks in
                         Why up-to-date skills are
                                                                  the workplace                74   PROOF POSITIVE
                         essential for professional
                                                                                                    Champions league
                         competence and public confi dence
                                                                                                    Helping driving
                                                                                                    instructors stay healthy
                    46   CLIMATE CHANGE
                                                                                                    in the post-COVID era
                         Too hot to handle?
                         The dangers of working in
                         ever-increasing temperatures
                    52   CASE STUDY                                                     42
                         Saving the life savers           THE BUSINESS
                         How Welsh Ambulance Services
                                                          56   SMEs
                         NHS Trust protects its staff
                                                               Spinning plates
                                                               The challenges faced by
                    52                                         a positive safety culture
                                                               smaller enterprises to create

                                                               NOISE EXPOSURE
                                                               Turning down the volume
                                                               Protecting personnel’s
                                                               hearing in the workplace
                 COVER: ADOBE / ISTOCK                    64   CORONER REPORTS
                                                               Preventing future deaths
                                                               Handling the latest data
                                                               on  workplace fatalities

                                                                                                             IOSH MAGAZINE  5

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