Page 114 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 114

                                                                   80TH ANNUAL EASTERN REGIONAL CONFERENCE

                 Currently, Delegate McQuinn serves as the Central Virginia Regional Chair for the Safe
                 Virginia Initiative, which addresses the need for reasonable gun legislation. She is the founder
                 and organizer of the East End Teen Center and its Summer Writing Institute. The Summer
                 Program focuses on improving the literacy and writing talents of middle school youth. Through
                 a collaborative and innovative approach, the Summer Writing Institute combines intensive
                 writing instruction with exposure to positive community role models, cultural and educational
                 field trips and activities to motivate the students. Delegate McQuinn has also demonstrated an
                 unwavering commitment to unveiling the true history and contributions of African Americans in
                 this country. She chairs the Richmond Slave Trail Commission and The African American
                 Cultural Resources (AACR) Task Force. The AACR Task Force was created by the General
                 Assembly with bi-partisan support to identify and to preserve the history of African Americans
                 in the State of Virginia.

                 Delegate McQuinn has been acknowledged and honored on many occasions, and some of her
                 awards include but are not limited to the following: the YMCA’s Women of The Year, two
                 African Diaspora World Tourism Awards, the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities
                 Humanitarian Award, and the Richmond African American History Month Award. Additionally,
                 she is a member of numerous boards, organizations and committees that focus on uplifting and
                 improving the Commonwealth.

                 Delegate McQuinn has been a true trailblazer and positive role model in the arena of public
                 service, as well as a woman of abiding faith who is most thankful for her loving and supportive
                 family. She writes prolifically and often quotes scripture to make her point when speaking. Last
                 year she was the patron of House Joint Resolution #38, “I Am My Brother’s and Sister’s
                 Keeper.” This Joint Resolution challenges all of us to realize the value of humanity and to act to
                 make a positive difference in the world. It could be considered the “mission statement” which
                 summarizes the life and times of Delegate Delores L. McQuinn.

                                              Angela Myra Ringgold, As a young girl working with
                                              children and helping others came naturally, from watching her
                                              mother who helped everyone in the neighborhood from feeding
                                              them to giving them a place to stay.  Her love for education began
                                              very early as 1st grade.  Having an innate ability to grasp concepts
                                              and strategies very easily allowed her to soar through school with
                                              very high grades and honors.  Angela has always been willing to
                                              help others with their homework from grade school through college.
                                              Her career choices as a young girl were only to be a teacher or a
                                              At 18 years old Angela enrolled in Delaware State College, after
                                              completing 1 year she enlisted in the United States Army in 1983.
                                              After completing her training, she was stationed at Fort Hood in
                                              Killeen, Texas, 1st Cavalry Division.  She continued to pursue her
                                              education at Texas Community College while in the military.   She
                                              served her country for 12 years.  She received an Honorable
                                              Discharge in 1995.
                 A member of Tabernacle Baptist Church, Wilmington, Delaware, she would help children with
                 their homework and with the permission of her Bishop she started a tutoring program for the
                 youth of the church.

                 Angela worked at DuPont as an Administrative Assistant and then building vehicles at General
                 Motors and Chrysler for 15 years.  During her time at Chrysler she earned a Bachelor of Science
                 degree  in  Human  Resources  and  a  Master’s  in  Business  Administration,  from  Wilmington
                 College with her childhood experiences and passion for education and children, Angela was able
                 to land a job that would fulfill her childhood career choices.

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