Page 243 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 243


                AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY: Number of Sorors: 25 Xinos:12 Kudos:10 Others: 40+
                Description of the Activity: Epsilon Alpha held its' Annual Black History Program at
                Cedarbrook K-8 Center in Plainfield, NJ. The community enjoyed a liturgical dance from the
                dance ministry of Shiloh Baptist Church of Plainfield, an activity (Can you tell me who? Prizes
                awarded.), lead by the committee, dance, spoken word and step by the EA Xinos and Kudos.
                Everyone enjoyed a soul food meal and fellowshipping together.

                TECHNOLOGY/COMPUTERS: No. of Sorors:25 Number of Participants:   Monthly
                Description of the Activity: Epsilon Alpha is concentrating on the technology part of
                S.T.E.A.M throughout the Sororal year. We have continued to work with sorors to enhance our
                use of technology.  We have graduated to having Zoom conference calls for committee meetings
                and working towards having Zoom available for our sick and shut in members to allow them to
                continue to be active.  We have also begun using Google docs, etc. to disseminate reports, flyers
                and other documents in place of printing and copying. We have entered the 21st century!
                Number of Sorors: 15
                Each year we support 3 families and two senior Citizens in the community at Thanksgiving time
                by donating Shoprite gift cards.  The sorors work with the youth (who donate non-perishable
                items) and create 5 food baskets to make a Thanksgiving meal (adding the gift card) and deliver
                them together to the families that have been chosen to receive them.

                TEACH-A-RAMA: Number of Sorors: 23 Xinos: 5Kudos: 1 Others: 45_
                Description of the Activity: This year, in partnership with Mason Middle School in Plainfield,
                NJ, Epsilon Alpha hosted a Youth Civic Engagement Forum. The purpose of the forum was to
                inform young people, along with their parents/guardians about the importance of civic
                engagement and how it makes for a positive and supportive community. In addition to our
                partners, the principal of Maxson Middle School, Mr. Kevin Stansbury, presented staggering
                statistics regarding the School to Prison Pipeline theory which highlights the disproportionality
                of youth from disadvantaged backgrounds who become incarcerated due to harsh school
                disciplinary policies. The keynote speaker was Ms. Chelsea Young, a 10th grade student who
                attends Plainfield High School.
                LEADERSHIP TRAINING: Number of Sorors: 18
                Description of the Activity: What is Leadership?
                Led by Basileus Worrill, Sorors were put into three groups, had to define the term leadership and
                then list the qualities needed to be a leader. After reporting out, there was a group discussion,
                and the chapter developed the definition of leadership, and the qualities of a good leader. We
                used that as an entrance to talk about the positions of the Basileus, 1st Anti-Basileus and 2nd
                Anti-Basileus. After Sorors were given time to discuss the questions, they were challenged to
                answer the prepared questions about each position on their own, prior to reporting out and using
                the Manual of Policies and Procedures to find the answers.  The purpose of this type leadership
                workshop, is to begin to prepare sorors for leadership roles within the chapter.
                (ACADEMIC ISSUES AND CURRENT TRENDS)  Number off Sorors: 25
                We were kept up-to-date by our chair, Soror, Fontella Best with newsletters and/or discussions
                on any and all going on with NJEA (New Jersey Education Association)  and NEA (National
                Education Association)  that concerned education and legislative affairs. When there were letters
                or calls that NJEA wanted needed members to participate in, that information was shared and we
                were encouraged to participate.
                INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS (SISTERHOOD) Number of Sorors: 15-25 Others: 5
                Description of the Activity: We had two Sisterhood Sunday's, worshiping at our Soror's home
                churches.  Each service was followed by having a brunch where we were able to enjoy a meal
                and fellowship together.  Our second church visit was special as we worshiped with our Soror
                Sari Greggs for her church s' anniversary. Following the service we fellowshipped with her
                church family enjoying a delicious home cooked meal.
                In December we held our first holiday paint and sip.  It was a great day.  Beside having fun
                painting, we enjoyed music by our Anthropo, Lee Barnes and the time to relax and spend time
                with each other outside of a business meeting was priceless.

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