Page 28 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 28


                                             National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc

 Greetings sorors,  Greetings sorors,

                       First, thank you for inviting me to be your Guest Past Supreme Basileus.  I consider it an honor
 First, thank you for inviting me to be your Guest Past Supreme Basileus.  I consider it an honor
 and will never take lightly your kindness.   and will never take lightly your kindness.
                       Secondly, it is a great pleasure for me to extend greetings to my sorors of the Eastern Region.and
 Secondly, it is a great pleasure for me to extend greetings to my sorors of the Eastern Region.and
               to congratulate you in the celebration of the 80  Eastern Regional Conference. Who would have ever
 to congratulate you in the celebration of the 80 Eastern Regional Conference. Who would have ever  th
               thought that we would not be able to physically embrace with a greeting that is so much a part of our
 thought that we would not be able to physically embrace with a greeting that is so much a part of our
               sisterhood?  Well, one thing is for certain and that is while the current national health challenges hinder
 sisterhood? Well, one thing is for certain and that is while the current national health challenges hinder
               and restrict us, nothing breaks our bonds of commitment for and to each other.
 and restrict us, nothing breaks our bonds of commitment for and to each other.
                       I commend Soror Patsy Squire, ERD, regional officers and especially Beta Tau Chapter sorors for
 I commend Soror Patsy Squire, ERD, regional officers and especially Beta Tau Chapter sorors for
               your untiring work to fulfill your theme, “Putting the Pieces Together: Sisterhood, Education and
 your untiring work to fulfill your theme, “Putting the Pieces Together: Sisterhood, Education and
               Cultural Relevancy”.  Coordinating all the pieces of this puzzle was a mystery to me.  So, I must admit
 Cultural Relevancy”. Coordinating all the pieces of this puzzle was a mystery to me. So, I must admit
               that I have learned so much to prepare for my first virtual regional conference and look forward to being a
 that I have learned so much to prepare for my first virtual regional conference and look forward to being a
 knowledgeable participant.   knowledgeable participant.
 Why God Made Teachers  Why God Made Teachers
 When God created teachers,  When God created teachers,
 He gave us special friends  He gave us special friends
 To help us understand His world  To help us understand His world
 And truly comprehend  And truly comprehend
 The beauty and the wonder  The beauty and the wonder
 Of everything we see.  Of everything we see.
 And become a better person  And become a better person
 With each discovery   With each discovery

 When God created teachers,  When God created teachers,
 He gave us special guides  He gave us special guides
 To show us ways in which to grow  To show us ways in which to grow
 So we can all decide   So we can all decide
 How to live and how to do  How to live and how to do
 What’s right instead of wrong,  What’s right instead of wrong,
 To lead us so that we can lead  To lead us so that we can lead
 And learn how to be strong.  And learn how to be strong.

 Why God created teachers,  Why God created teachers,
 In His wisdom and His grace,  In His wisdom and His grace,
 Was to help us learn to make our world  Was to help us learn to make our world
 A better, wiser place  A better, wiser place
 by Kevin William Huff                      by Kevin William Huff

 Have a fantastic conference!  Have a fantastic conference!
                         Sisterly,                                       Sisterly,

                        Ann D. Black                                      Ann D. Black

                        Past Supreme Basileus                             Past Supreme Basileus

                        2005-2009                                         2005-2009

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