Page 15 - PIR 2020
P. 15
With only 4 hours’ notice, the entire field country
went into lockdown. The workforce which is heavily dependent on manual labour in fields, factories and streets, was shut and workers were sent home. Suddenly, they found themselves with no income and no way to provide for their families. Supplies dried up within a couple of days and people began to starve.
networks. Thankfully though, none of our field workers were harmed however 86 had their homes damaged. We provided them with financial help to rebuild their homes.
Our workers are so thankful to you for faithfully helping them duriengspothnids indgifftoicCulOt VseIasD-on19.
equipping servant leaders
This was an emergency on a scale we had never
communities transformed
51 training centres
seen before. We are so proud of our heroes in the field
3.64 million
people impacted through
who responded quickly to the crisis. Due to their long-
standing presence in communities, extensive network on
the ground, existing relationships and your partnership,
we were able to provide hope to thousands of people.
field workers given
community awareness programs
emergency financial
1,030,599 meals to people living in slums and on in training
help 1.03 29,700 million
716 national workers Together with another organisation, we served
food packets
given to families
face masks & santiser
nurturing children
meals served
in slums & streets
in the field
the streets. Our dedicated teams packaged up food
community awareness programs, educating 3,641,280 1,998
parcels and gave them to 29,700 families. They ran
people on social distancing and the use of masks and 507 men 209 women people groups
hand sanitiser. As part of this program, they distributed 114,655 face masks and sanitisers, including thousands of masks made by women in our sanitary napkin factory.
empowering women
Our heroes have worked tirelessly throughout the crisis.
Some distributed food to families when they did not
5,127 students 12
know how they were going to feed their own. Through
your generosity, we were able to give emergency
financial help to 5,173 field workers.
In May, a cyclone slammed into the east of the nation knocking down huge trees, bringing heavy rain and
sending millions of poor villagers rushing into evacuation shelters. There was no electricity or communication
2,500 & 12,000
English medium
sanitary napkins masks produced by women living
in slums
10 slums adopted restoring health
61,277 people in 630 villages
Partnership Impact Report 2020 15 practice
impacted with safe water
new wells
2 farms teaching best
300 wells drilled in total
with tailoring skills
1 teacher’s 100 teachers and I had nothing to feed my children. No
“During the lockdown, I could not go to work
in training
work. No money. And so, no food. However,
you all came as angels to our door to feed us.
Thank you so much. For the past two days, I
improving livelihoods
was wondering how we were going to survive this.” Sonu*, a beneficiary of a food packet.
women empowered
mothers & children