Page 55 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
P. 55
The Company reserves the right to request that the employee furnish written verification from
the school or childcare facility as proof that the employee participated in school or childcare
activities on the specific date and at a particular time. Failure to provide written verification is
grounds for disciplinary action.
Military Spouse Leave
Employees in California who work at least an average of 20 hours per week and whose spouse
or domestic partner is a member of the United States Armed Forces, National Guard, or Army
Reserves on active duty in an area of military conflict are eligible to receive up to ten (10) days
off from work, on an unpaid basis, during a period when their spouse or domestic partner is on
leave from deployment during a period of military conflict, to the extent permitted by applicable
law. Employees must provide notice of the unpaid leave to the Company within two (2) business
days of receiving official notice that the qualifying military member will be on leave from
deployment and provide written documentation certifying that the qualifying military member
will be on leave from deployment during the time requested for the unpaid leave of absence.
When Military Spouse leave is provided, it shall also count toward the employee’s FMLA
entitlement where legally permissible.
Volunteer Civil Service Personnel
No employee shall be disciplined for taking time off to perform emergency duty as a volunteer
firefighter, reserve peace officer, or emergency rescue personnel. Employees who perform
emergency duty as a volunteer firefighter, reserve peace officer, or emergency rescue personnel
may also take up to a total of fourteen days unpaid leave time per calendar year to engage in fire,
law enforcement or emergency rescue training. Please alert your supervisor that you may have
to take time off for emergency duty or emergency duty training. When taking time off for
emergency duty, please alert your supervisor before doing so when possible. Exempt employees
who work any portion of a workweek in which they also perform such emergency duties or
participate in such training will receive their full salary for that workweek. Otherwise, leave under
this policy will be unpaid. Employees may elect to substitute accrued vacation (or in the case of
exempt employees, request to substitute unlimited vacation, subject to the terms and conditions
of that policy) for any unpaid portion of leave to perform such emergency duties or participate
in such training.
For information regarding these provisions or other rights or benefits under California law, please
contact Human Resources.
San Francisco Appendix
The following provisions apply to employees based in San Francisco (and supplement, and to the
extent inconsistent, supersede, the policy language regarding the same or similar topics in the
Employee Handbook):
Paid Parental Leave
nSI Employee Handbook 55 Rev. 4 (2021))