Page 56 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
P. 56
Employees in San Francisco who receive Paid Family Leave (PFL) payments from California for
purposes of new child bonding during the first year after the child’s birth or placement with the
employee through foster care or adoption may be eligible to receive Supplemental
Compensation from Human Resources as required by law. The San Francisco Paid Parental Leave
Ordinance applies to employees (including part-time and temporary employees) who meet all
the following requirements:
(1) commenced employment with the employer at least 180 days prior to the start of the leave
(2) perform at least eight (8) hours of work per week for the employer in San Francisco.
(3) at least 40% of the employee’s total weekly hours worked for the employer must be in San
Francisco; and
(4) eligible to receive paid family leave benefits under the California Paid Family Leave program
for the purpose of bonding with a new child.
The Company provides Supplemental Compensation to eligible employees in San Francisco of up
to eight weeks in a 12-month period to eligible employees to enable them to take paid time off
to bond with their newborn child, newly adopted child, or child newly placed for foster care with
the employee. In order to qualify for Supplemental Compensation, the employee must file a claim
for any available government-administered benefits (e.g., PFL). Supplemental Compensation will
be coordinated with any other wage replacement benefits received by the employee through the
state so that the employee receives (collectively) 100% of their regular base pay, up to a
maximum of eight weeks. California PFL (and/or any other available government-administered
wage replacement benefit) must be taken concurrently with leave under FMLA/CFRA and does
not entitle an employee to take any additional time off. For more information about
Supplemental Compensation, please contact Human Resources.
This policy is intended to meet or exceed the benefits eligible employees are entitled to receive
under the PPLO. The PPLO requires employers to supplement the PFL weekly benefit amount
that the employee receives by paying the employee Supplemental Compensation in an amount
such that the total of the California Paid Family Leave compensation the employee receives, and
the Supplemental Compensation provides, but does not exceed, 100% of the employee’s current
normal gross weekly wage. California PFL/PPLO combine to cover up to eight weeks normal
wages. Employees are protected from retaliation for exercising rights under PPLO.
Illinois Appendix
The following provisions apply to employees based in Illinois (and supplement, and to the extent
inconsistent, supersede, the policy language regarding the same or similar topics in the Employee
nSI Employee Handbook 56 Rev. 4 (2021))