Page 57 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
P. 57
Sick Leave
Employees in Illinois are eligible to receive and use sick leave in accordance with the Company’s
Sick Leave Policy, with the following changes: “Family member” is also defined to include any
other individual related by blood or whose close association with the employee is the equivalent
of a family relationship. Paid sick leave may also be used when the employee’s place of business
is closed by order of a public official due to a public health emergency, or the employee needs to
care for a child whose school or place of care has been closed by order of a public official due to
a public health emergency.
School Visitation
An employee who has worked for at least six consecutive months for an average of at least 15
hours per week is eligible for school visitation leave. The Company will grant an eligible employee
leave of up to a total of 8 hours during any school year, and no more than 4 hours of which may
be taken on any given day, to attend school conferences, behavioral meetings, or academic
meetings related to the employee’s child if the conference or meeting cannot be scheduled
during non-work hours; however, no leave may be taken by an employee unless the employee
has exhausted all accrued vacation leave. Before arranging attendance at the conference or
activity, the employee must provide the Company with a written request for leave at least 7 days
in advance of the time the employee is required to utilize the visitation right. In emergency
situations, no more than 24 hours’ notice shall be required. The employee must consult with the
Company to schedule the leave so as not to disrupt unduly the operations of the Company.
Blood Donation
Full-time employees who have been employed for at least six months may take paid leave of one
hour every 56 days to donate blood. For information regarding these provisions or other rights
or benefits under Illinois law, please contact Human Resources.
Los Angeles Appendix
The following provisions apply to employees based in Los Angeles (and supplement, and to the
extent inconsistent, supersede, the policy language regarding the same or similar topics in the
Employee Handbook):
Sick Leave
Employees in Los Angeles are eligible to receive and use sick leave in accordance with the
Company’s Sick Leave Policy, with the following addition: “Family member” is also defined to
include any individual related by blood or affinity whose close association with the employee is
the equivalent of a family relationship. For information regarding these provisions or other rights
or benefits under Los Angeles law, please contact Human Resources.
nSI Employee Handbook 57 Rev. 4 (2021))