Page 62 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
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association with the employee is the equivalent of family;(g) any other individual related by blood
to the employee.
Reinstatement of Accrued Sick Leave Upon Rehire Within Six Months
If an employee separates from employment with the Company (whether voluntarily or
involuntarily), and is re-hired by the Company within six months, any previously accrued and
unused sick leave will be reinstated and be made available for immediate use (subject to the use
and accrual limitations set forth in this policy).
New York State Paid Family Leave
New York Paid Family Leave (NY PFL) provides job-protected, paid time off to eligible employees
to: (a) bond with a newly born, adopted or fostered child; (b) care for a close relative with a
serious health condition, or (c) assist with family situations when a family member is deployed
abroad on active military service. You can continue your health insurance while on leave and are
guaranteed the same or comparable job after your leave ends. If you contribute to the cost of
your health insurance, you must continue to pay your portion of the premium cost while on Paid
Family Leave.
Benefits – Time
Paid Family Leave benefits phase in over four years, providing up to 8 weeks of leave for
employees who started Paid Family Leave in 2018; 10 weeks for leave starting in 2019 and 2020,
and 12 weeks in 2021. Leave can be taken either all at once or intermittently but must be taken
in full-day increments. If an individual filed an administrative complaint with DHR, DHR will file
the complaint with the EEOC to preserve the right to proceed in federal court.
Other Protections
Many localities enforce laws protecting individuals from sexual harassment and discrimination.
An individual should contact the county, city or town in which they live to find out if such a law
exists. For example, employees who work in New York City may file complaints of sexual
harassment with the New York City Commission on Human Rights. Contact their main office at
Law Enforcement Bureau of the NYC Commission on Human Rights, 40 Rector Street, 10th Floor,
New York, New York; call 311 or (212) 306-7450; or visit
home/home.shtml. If the harassment involves unwanted physical touching, coerced physical
confinement or coerced sex acts, the conduct may constitute a crime. Contact the local police
Civil Rights Act of 1964
nSI Employee Handbook 62 Rev. 4 (2021))