Page 3 - PassionHR Team Booklet
P. 3



      ABOUT YOUR HR & YOUR                                                               The Human Resources

      BUSINESS SUCCESS!                                                                          Consulting Group
                                                                                                          in Alabama

      PassionHR is a full service Human Resources Consulting firm specializing in value added services for the HR
      function within your organization.  We have the capabilities, resources, solutions, and expertise to meet your
      HR and talent management needs.  Whether we take on complex projects to allow your HR team to continue
      their important “day job” functions or we work with your leaders on organizational development that
      transforms the entire department, we work diligently to ensure the results are aligned with the company’s
      mission, vision, values and goals.
                                                                                   SERVICES INCLUDE:

        OUR CLIENTS’ SATISFACTION IS                                         HR Audits
                                                                             HR Policy Design & Handbooks
        PARAMOUNT, AND YOU CAN REST                                          Talent & Performance Management
                                                                             Affordable Recruiting/Hiring
        ASSURED OUR SERVICES ARE                                             Strategic HR Management and Planning
                                                                             Compensation Analysis
        PROVIDED WITH A HIGH LEVEL OF                                        Team Member Benefits
        QUALITY AND INTEGRITY.                                               Training & Development
                                                                             Interim HR Leadership Coverage
                                                                             Compliance & Risk Management
      "We are Passionate about HR & Your Business Success"

      P  A  S  S  I  O  N  H  R     C  O  N  S  U  L  T  I  N  G  ,     I  N  C  .     |     W  W  W  .  P  A  S  S  I  O  N  H  R  .  N  E  T     |     (  8  8  8  )  H  R  -  S  E  R  V  E
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