Page 6 - PassionHR Team Booklet
P. 6




       PassionHR Recruiting

            Services include:                                                                 **Pay Only If You Hire

          Initial meeting to understand

          your business                                       PASSIONHR IS COMMITTED

          Create a job description                            TO YOUR BUSINESS.

          Post and track the position

          using our applicant tracking                        PassionHR is committed to your
                                                              organization's goal to hire, manage
                                                              and retain talented employees. Let us
          Screen potential candidates                         help recruit and retain top talent to

          to determine the top                                your organization.


          Have an individual phone                            Our Recruiting Services are affordable

          interview with  top                                 and more cost-effective than most
          candidates                                          recruiters/staffing agencies in the

          Submit the top 3 candidates                         Huntsville area. Let our certified HR

          to client for a recommended                         professionals handle the worry and
                                                              concerns of recruiting, so you can
          face-to-face interview
                                                              focus on your business.

      "We are Passionate about HR & Your Business Success"

      P  A  S  S  I  O  N  H  R     C  O  N  S  U  L  T  I  N  G  ,     I  N  C  .     |     W  W  W  .  P  A  S  S  I  O  N  H  R  .  N  E  T     |     (  8  8  8  )  H  R  -  S  E  R  V  E
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