Page 5 - PassionHR Team Booklet
P. 5

Selected Services To Fit

             Your Companies Needs:

             PassionHR services range from HR policy design/review,

             talent acquisition, out-sourced HR, leadership development &
             training, payroll, HR project work, organizational development

             and change management.

             Talent Management                                         HRIS/HCM Project Management
             Outsourced HR Services                                    Training and Development

             Executive/Employee Coaching                               Leadership Development
             Outplacement Coaching                                     HR Audits

             Temp-to-Hire Leased Employees                             HR Handbook Development
             1099-Contractor Employees                                 HR Policy Review

             Payroll Services                                          HR Compliance Services

  "We are Passionate about HR & Your Business Success"

   P A S S I O N H R   C O N S U L T I N G ,   I N C .   |   W W W . P A S S I O N H R . N E T   |   ( 8 8 8 ) H R - S E R V E
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