Page 28 - Delfi Diagnostics Handbook
P. 28

someone other than the intended recipient, even if marked as “private”, and even if it contains
               personal information or messages.

               Additionally, employees who delete or erase information or messages should not assume that
               such information or messages are confidential or ever were confidential and a copy may be
               archived on the Company’s systems.  If a legal dispute arises, or may arise in the future, it may
               be unlawful to attempt to delete or erase certain information. Employees shall fully comply with
               Company policy regarding retention or destruction of information.

               Employee passwords may be used for purposes of security, but the use of a password does not
               affect the Company’s ownership  of  the  electronic information  or ability to monitor  the
               information. The Company may override an employee’s password for any reason.  Employees
               must not share passwords. Employees are not permitted to access the electronic
               communications of other employees or  third parties unless directed to  do so  by DELFI
               management. Employees must ensure the security of all Company- provided equipment and the
               network. If an employee believes Company-provided equipment is lost or that the security and
               confidentiality of the data on that equipment or the network has been compromised, they must
               notify the IT Department. The Company- provided remote access system should only be used for
               Company-related business.

               Prohibited Use
               It is a violation of  DELFI policy to use computers, electronic communications, electronic
               information,  or  the Internet, in a manner  that: is discriminatory,  harassing,  or obscene;
               constitutes copyright or trademark infringement; violates software licensing rules; is illegal; or is
               against DELFI policy. It is also a violation of policy to use computers, electronic communications,
               electronic information, or the Internet to communicate confidential or sensitive information or
               trade secrets.

               The display of any kind of sexually explicit multimedia content, message, or document on any
               Company computer is  a violation  of  the Company’s policy against sexual harassment. This
               description of  prohibited  usage is not exhaustive, and it  is  within the  discretion  of DELFI to
               determine if there has been a violation of this policy. Employees that engage in prohibited use
               will be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Employee use of Company-provided
               computers and/ or systems, including personal e-mail and internet use, that are not job-related
               have the potential to drain, rather than enhance, productivity and system performance. You
               should also  be aware that information  transmitted through  e-mail and the internet is  not
               completely secure or may contain viruses or malware, and information you transmit and receive
               could damage the Company’s systems as well as the reputation and/ or competitiveness of the
               Company. To protect against possible problems, delete any email messages prior to opening that
               are received from unknown senders and advertisers. It also is against Company policy to turn off
               antivirus protection software or make unauthorized changes to system configurations installed
               on Company computers.

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