Page 2 - Multimedia Production Assistant Guidebook
P. 2


                             a n d   t h a n k   y o u   f o r   b e i n g   h e r e

                                        What Makes A Great Team

                   Successful teams are not numbers for show but bring together different people with
                    new ideas with various characteristics and attributes. We represent the vision – the

                     goal, the purpose – to create the solution and needs for our clients. Our goal is to

                          understand and build a genuine listening relationship so your input and

                        contribution are valued. We learn from mistakes and continue to create and

                    innovate new ideas that produce. Leadership is not about one person but the team

                            that understands to change and builds stronger team relationships.

                                                                                  Carla Stiles

                                                                                  O w n e r ,   D e s i g n e d b y c a r l a

                                            W W W . D E S I G N E D B Y C A R L A . C O M
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