Page 4 - Multimedia Production Assistant Guidebook
P. 4

                               D E S I G N E D B Y C A R L A


   This Non-Disclosure Agreement ("Agreement") is made and effective ______________________,

   This is to certify that I, _______________________________, a vendor of Designedbycarla, understand that any information
   (written, verbal or other form) obtained during the performance of my duties must remain confidential. This includes all
   information about members, clients, families, employees, and other associate organizations, as well as any other
   information otherwise marked or known to be confidential.

   Any and all information created by or performed under Designedbycarla is the rightful property of Designedbycarla this
   includes certifications, logins, development, reports, PPC campaigns, social media, content development, SEO, blog, and
   all company profiles.

   NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:


   Consultant shall have no proprietary interest in the work product developed by a consultant during the course of its
   engagement and expressly assigns all rights to copyrights, patents, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights to the


   Consultant acknowledges that the System, the source code, object code, and all System documentation relating thereto
   ("Proprietary Information") are confidential and proprietary to the Company; and Consultant agrees to use reasonable
   care (the same being not less than that employed to protect Consultant's own proprietary information) to safeguard the
   Proprietary Information and to prevent the unauthorized use or disclosure thereof.


   Any copies or reproductions of the Proprietary Information shall bear the copyright or proprietary notices contained in
   the original.


   Consultant shall promptly advise Company in writing if it learns of any unauthorized use or disclosure of Proprietary
   Information by any Consultant Personnel or former Consultant Personnel. I understand that any unauthorized release or
   carelessness in the handling of this confidential information is considered a breach of the duty to maintain confidentiality.

   I further understand that any breach of the duty to maintain confidentiality could be immediate dismissal and/or possible
   liability in any legal action arising from such breach. Upon separation of the vendor, he or she shall return, all documents,
   papers, logins information, and other materials that may contain confidential information.
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