Page 6 - Multimedia Production Assistant Guidebook
P. 6




                                                                    Our Mission

                                                                    At Designebycarla is to strategize, build marketing
                                                                    partnerships, and provide business solutions for
                                                                    local, small, and medium-sized businesses to reach
                                                                    their target audience and thrive in their niche

                                                                    Our Vision

                                                                    As a cohesive strategy team, our vision is to invest in
                                                                    our client's ideas on a personal, detail-driven
                                                                    marketing approach to construct a strong foundation
                                                                    striving for excellence through our expertise, creative
                                                                    knowledge, and drive for hospitality.

                                                                    Our Values

                                                                    To dedicate your best to provide quality service and
                                                                    marketing solutions to represent our clients in an
            We’re made up of web strategists,                       honest working environment. Our promise is to be

                designers, developers, project                      transparent, resourceful, and respectful of each
               managers, writers, analysts and                      other as a team.

                                 digital marketers.

                                   Our Expections

            W W W . D E S I G N E D B Y C A R L A . C O M
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