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P. 8

'm 39 years old a father of 2 wonderful children Sandino 10 and my daughter
        Saphora 6 years old. I've always loved the world of body building and I looked
     Iup to bodybuilders that were around my height like Lee Priest and Franco
     Columbu. I saw them and I told myself one day I want to follow In their footsteps.
     As years past becoming a father and supporting a family, I thought that dream was
     that just a dream.
                                                                                            I loved the gym so
                                                                                          much that I decided
                                                                                                to work at gold
                                                                                               gyms as a front
                                                                                                  counter clerk.
                                                                                             Just to be around
                                                                                              that atmosphere
                                                                                          was enough for me.
                                                                                               Then May 2020 I
                                                                                            made the steps to
                                                                                           follow my dream in
                                                                                                bodybuilding. I
                                                                                               found my coach
                                                                                          Bronson Butler and
                                                                                            the love of my life
                                                                                         Sheree. Together we
                                                                                             moved forward to
                                                                                           finally stepping on
                                                                                             stage when I was
                                                                                             ready. In October
                                                                                         2020 with Sheree by
                                                                                          side I competed for
                                                                                           the first time it was
                                                                                          one of the happiest
                                                                                           moments of my life
                                                                                         and I felt I made that
                                                                                             dream come true
                                                                                           and now I'm on the
                                                                                               road to the next
                                                                                         show. The goal is to
                                                                                         one day becoming a
                                                                                            pro and becoming
                                                                                             an inspiration for
                                                                                            someone else that
                                                                                          loves this sport just
                                                                                              as much as I do.

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