Page 35 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 35

BOSS has the opportunity to speak to the CA$H MOB
            about their business or an upcoming event. After
            the presentation, the “MOB TARGET” is announced,
            which the MOB BOSS selects from 5 randomly drawn
            participating Chamber member retailers. Participants are
            rewarded with $10 Chamber CA$H, and the CA$H MOB
            travels to surprise the unsuspecting business.

            Thanks to our MOB BOSSES, the Chamber was able to
            successfully put on several CA$H MOB events over the
            past year. One was held virtually during the pandemic.
            Each event generated over $600 in sales, from 20-30
            participants within about 40-minutes! Participants enjoy
            getting to know their fellow MOBSTERS, spending
            their Chamber CA$H, and learning about the retail and
            sponsoring businesses.

            The Chamber CA$H program brought Madison exactly
            what it needed during 2020. It continues to keep
            spending local, while bringing community members
            and shop owners together, and allowing for convenient
            spending straight from your phone.

            Little People’s Boutique   118 Unique Boutique  Galena Garlic           Christy’s Candles
            & Fine Threads          “On March 12, over 20   “Galena Garlic was CA$H   “Alcorn, Sage, Schwartz
            “A big THANK YOU to     people were sponsored   MOBBED on February      & Magrath LLP was our
            German American Bank    by Enhanced Telecommu-  6th, 2020. This was an   MOB BOSS for the May
            and the Chamber of Com-  nications Corporation to   amazing experience for   4th Virtual CA$H MOB.
            merce for selecting Fine   shop locally and network   our store! We utilized the   The MOB hit was success-
            Threads/Little People’s   with other community   new EGift cards which   ful with Christy’s Candles
            Boutique for the CA$H   members!                went flawlessly! The    raking in the dough with
            MOB on September 25,    The MOB’s economic im-  Chamber is doing great   over $800 in sales from
            2019! It was a big surprise   pact was over $600 in less   things for our community   registered participants
            and a boost in sales for   than an hour. We even   and our small businesses!   alone!”
            the day! Every retailer   had some return shopping   Check out the new digital
            should support the Cham-  later on in the day!”   gift cards, they are very
            ber Community CA$H                              easy to use and are great
            program!”                                       for our local businesses!”

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