Page 61 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
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Get to Know Your CONNECTION
Madison Area
Chamber Team
The Madison Area Event Information: Find question, we will find the person
Chamber of Commerce community events from training that does.
is a one-stop shop for anyone sessions to festivals or post your Connect: When you move to
looking to connect with our community event for FREE on the a new place, it can be difficult to
community. Whether you are event page at www.madisonindiana. meet people and find out what
exploring a move to the area or are com. Chamber members get is going on. The Chamber can
a life-long resident, we can help you even more event visibility and help you connect to local clubs
find what you are seeking: customization options. and organizations, volunteer
Find a Business: Whether you Shop Local and Save: Our opportunities, networking, and
are looking for a great plumber, a members post hot deals to our educational programs.
place to buy that specialty item, or website to save you money. Our Improving our Community:
you need a financial advisor, the Chamber CA$H program allows gift We actively pursue initiatives to
Chamber can connect you to a local certificates—redeemable at over 50 make Madison the best place to live
business that fits your needs. Our area businesses—to be purchased at in Indiana. We closely collaborate
members support our community the Chamber office. When you buy with our partners and have been
and we hope you will support them from a local business, approximately at the table for the America’s Best
in return. 68% of that money stays in our Communities competition (Finalist,
Find a Job: Employment is a community and helps drive our April 2017), the “One Madison”
primary concern when moving to economy! comprehensive plan, Project 421
a new area. We can connect you Information: The Chamber can (bridge approach development), and
directly to current local job postings provide a variety of information the Stellar Communities designation
as well as employment services to about living and working in (October 2017). Find out more
set you up with your next successful Jefferson County, from housing and about these and other projects at
position. job posting to community services.
If we don’t know the answer to your