Page 59 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 59
is Family
is Family
Canaan Community Academy
(CCA) is rich in history and tradition.
There has been a school on the site
since 1872. Traditionally, the school
participates in the Canaan Fall
Festival. Every class enters a float
in the parade, sends postcards via
the Pony Express, participate in the
Chief White Eye art contest, compete
in the pie baking contest, and so
much more. The school is supported
their student's growth: you can hear to work outdoors as stewards of the
by the community and in 2018, was
their laughter, their conversations Earth, providing opportunities for
voted "Best in Education" in the first
inquiring and questioning material, each child to grow. The Library class
“Madison’s Best” competition.
and oftentimes you can hear the provides books which allow children
Canaan is a small rural town that students celebrating each other’s to travel to different times and places.
is proud of its agrarian heritage and triumphs. Canaan Community Academy also
friendly community of neighbors Each day, every child completes provides students with multiple
helping neighbors. This is also the sensory path which encourages field trips each year where they
reflected in the culture of CCA. children to think, play, and release explore new places and experience
When entering the building, there is energy. The classrooms offer new things. CCA strives to inspire
a sense of community and a sense of hands on discovery and frequent students to be the best they can be.
belonging. Children are greeted by brain breaks that benefit students Canaan Community Academy’s
the compassionate staff who work educationally, emotionally, and focus on family extends into the
to ensure the well being of every physically. At Canaan Community home. CCA values the family’s time
student. Academy, all students receive sixty with their child. This is why there is
Canaan Community Academy minutes of recess daily. Recess a no homework policy at CCA. The
provides interactive learning focused promotes social and emotional school encourages students to read
on STREAM (Science, Technology, growth offering students time to 20 minutes every day and study for
Reading, Art, Math). Students are engage with each other and develop tests.
constantly engaged in a diverse essential social skills. Once a student enrolls they join
educational environment where The students also enjoy weekly the CCA family. A family that is
you can hear the teachers nurturing specials. Mind and Body classes caring and supportive, and wants
provide physical the best for your child. We know
activities and help your child’s talents and passions and
each child develop staff work hard to give your child
respect, teamwork, and the skills to explore opportunities,
kindness. Students have experience new things, and the
many opportunities confidence to excel. Canaan
to be creative and use Community Academy would like to
their imaginations invite you and your child to join our
during Art and Music family. This we believe, together we
classes. Plus, the weekly can!
Gardening class provides
opportunities for children