Page 55 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 55

“learn appropriate behaviors in all   Meaningful Day Services, Inc.   Developmental Services, Inc. is a
            environments and live socially.” In   (MDS) is an Indiana-based company   nonprofit organization that provides
            addition to ABA treatment, they   that provides residential and   services for adults and children with
            provide treatments surrounding   adult day support and therapy to   mental, physical, and emotional
            verbal behavior, precision teaching,   individuals with developmental   disabilities. DSI was established in
            and natural environment training.   disabilities. Meaningful Day Services   1975 and provides many services
            Beyond the Label provides clinical   was initially developed in 1994 as   such as: early intervention for infants
            programs out of Shelbyville, IN   there were significant shortages for   and toddlers, residential living
            but also helps provide home and   quality home based therapy services   options, job training, placement and
            community-based treatment as    for individuals with disabilities.   follow-along, respite care, family
            well. Their treatments are provided   MDS opened their Hanover location   support, individualized community-
            for children and adults up to the   in 2020 specializing in Behavior   based services, and many other
            age 26, and focuses on reaching the   Support and Music Therapy.  services.
            goal of moving past the patient’s
            diagnosis in order to maximize each
            individual’s potential.
                                                        •services •services •services •
            Two other programs that serve
            children in Jefferson County are            mobile devicescreen repair
            Meaningful Day Services, Inc. and           laptop and desktop computer repair
            Developmental Services, Inc.                desktop,server, laptopand tabletsales
                                                        repair and consultation, networks and wiring
                                                        business phone systems, video security systems
                                                        web hosting, email services,domain registration
                                                        maintenance contracts

                                                21 YEARSSERVING JEFFERSON COUNTY &THE SURROUNDING AREA
                                                              CHAMBER MEMBER SINCE 1998
                                                                  ACTIVE IN COMMUNITY

                                               521 Clifty Dr Madison IN 47205

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