Page 54 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 54

Photo by SuperATV with
      Ohio Valley Opportunities

            Early Childhood Development

          IN ADDITION TO VARIOUS           provide important services such as   children with developmental or
          healthcare resources throughout   translating, childcare, homework   motor delays, genetic disorders,
          Jefferson County, there are many   help, computer classes, and so much   speech apraxia, cognition, coping
          care centers that specialize in various   more! In addition to these areas, they   skills, feeding, applied behavior
          forms of early childhood care. Each   work to expand community outreach   analysis, and so much more.  They
          of these establishments provides   and raise cultural awareness through   also allow the community to use their
          different focuses to help the children   community events. Ohio Valley   facilities each day for free play for
          of Jefferson County succeed. These
          highly revered services come from   Opportunities also provides their   children and parents.
          organizations like Ohio Valley   Camp and More Project (CAMP)
          Opportunities, All Kids Can, Beyond   which includes two different types   Beyond the Label is a treatment
          the Label, Meaningful Day Services,   of camping and recreational services   service and resource center for those
          and Developmental Services, Inc.   for regional youths. One CAMP   with an autism diagnosis. They
                                           experience features an overnight   provide applied behavior analysis
          For over 50 years, Ohio Valley   setup with focus on overall wellness,   (ABA) treatment to help children
          Opportunities (OVO) has provided   complete with physical and other
          care for all ages, including families   learning activities. The second
          in the Ohio Valley Area. They have   CAMP service is a week-long day
          dedicated themselves to helping low-  camp full of fun activities that are
          income families with employment   centered around leadership and
          services, crisis situations, and human   community service.
          services. More specific to early
          childhood resources, they provide   All Kids Can Therapy & Learning
          OVO Head Start, La Casa Amiga,   Center was created by Jacqueline
          and other special projects for children   Overpeck after she saw a need for
          in Jefferson County. Their head start   accessible children’s therapy in the
          program strives to help every child   Madison community. Since 2010,
          be as prepared for emotional skills   the center has grown to include
          and provide an environment for play.   physical therapy, occupational
                                           therapy, speech therapy, birthday
          Ohio Valley Opportunities also   parties, open play, and field trips,
          coordinates La Casa Amiga, which    all while gaining community
          provides services for Spanish    recognition for their quality
          speaking community members. They   services. All Kids Can helps

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