Page 58 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
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L i f e - L o n g
The Jefferson County area is served School. Our area charter school,
by two great public school systems. Canaan Community Academy,
The Southwestern Elementary, serves grades K-6. Ohio Valley
Middle School, and High School Opportunities’ even offers a free
are located in Hanover and serve preschool for income-eligible education, Kettering University
the western portion of Jefferson households through their Head Start offers online Graduate Degree
County. The Southwestern Schools Program. Programs as well as Masters Degree
are all within walking distance of Programs.
each other. Madison Consolidated
Schools consists of the Madison Learners of all ages are welcome
Consolidated Preschool, Junior at the Jefferson County Public
High School, and High School Library, with branches in downtown
as well as the Deputy, Anderson, Madison and Hanover. The library
Lydia Middleton, and Rykers’ offers classes for all ages. Some of
Ridge Elementary Schools serve their programs include: art classes,
the remainder of the children in the storytimes, craft classes, book
county. discussion groups, speaker series,
summer reading programs, winter
Other Jefferson County educational reading programs, teen crafts,
options include two more Chamber movies, children’s crafts, writing
of Commerce members: one private classes, and STEM programs. The
and the other, a charter school. Jefferson County also boasts two Jefferson County Public library also
Prince of Peace Catholic Schools, the post-secondary institutions, Hanover offers printing services, meeting
private school system in the area, College and Ivy Tech Community space rentals, free wifi for patrons,
consists of Pope John Elementary College. If you are seeking an online and computer services for those who
and Shawe Memorial Jr-Sr High degree or to further your collegiate don’t have access at home.