Page 13 - June 2020 Newsletter
P. 13
June Return to
2020 `Triumphs Live On’ Start
Page 12
Tech Corner-continued
1. Crankcase purge line
2. Canister purge line
3. Canister
4. Vapor feed
5. Fuel tank, limited fill
6. Sealed fuel filler cap
7. Vapor separator
8. Anti-run-on valve
The fuel tank filler tube extends into the tank, preventing complete filling. There is sufficient space left in the
fuel tank for the fuel to expand in hot weather. The fuel tank filler cap is sealed. The piping from the fuel tank
incorporates a vapor separator which allows for a fuel 'splash surge' condition, thus trapping the fuel and
allowing a drain-back into the tank and preventing the charcoal canister becoming saturated. Fuel is discouraged
from entering the piping to the charcoal canister even during pressure filling of the fuel tank, by means of an air
restrictor valve situated near the charcoal canister.