Page 215 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 215
6. Conducted Safety Seminar regarding “Prevention of SPAD & 32 points issued by Hqrs,
Calling out signal aspects, D1 emergency usage” at Combined Crew Lobby/NZB on
7. Conducted Safety Seminar regarding “Shunting precautions, Prevention of yard
derailments” at Combined crew lobby/KCG on 25.06.2022.
8. Conducted Safety Seminar at KCG LOBBY on 16.07.2022 regarding "Securing
and stabling of loads".
9. Safety Seminar conducted regarding “Protection and safety measures at Bridge, work
sites” on 21.09.2022 at MBNR.
10. Safety seminar conducted regarding “Utilization of Fire Extinguishers at work spots” on
23.11.2022 at FM station.
10. Safety Drives:
The following 20 safety drives have been conducted on the division up to November 2022,
involving officers and supervisors. Irregularities brought out were rectified and concerned
staff were counseled suitably.
No Safety Drives From To No. of Deficiencies
deficiencies attended
1. Ensuring safety while executing 01.04.22 15.04.22 15 15
works adjacent to running lines
2. Prevention of signal passing at 19.04.22 03.05.22 13 13
3. Examination during crew 01.05.22 15.05.22 05 05
changing by LP/ALP
4. Summer precautions 13.05.22 27.05.22 25 25
5. Ensure safety at level crossing 21.05.22 04.06.22 18 18
6. Prevention of unsafe practices 01.06.22 15.06.22 04 04
7. Stabling and Securing 01.07.22 15.07.22 01 01
8. Strict observance of rules in
shunting 17.07.22 31.07.22 10 10
9. Monsoon precautions 23.07.22 04.09.22 177 177
10. Inspection of stabled rakes/
coaches in yards/stations and 25.07.22 06.08.22 01 01
other locations
11. Prevention of LC Gate open 01.08.22 15.08.22 04 04
12. Maintenance of fixed assets
locomotives & rolling stock,
conformance to procedures and 25.08.22 24.09.22 634 634
monitoring of human factors
13. Maintenance of points & 01.09.22 15.09.22 30 30
14. Strict observance of rules in
shunting and granting/obtaining 14.09.22 28.09.22 06 06
line clear
15. Safe working of staff during 23.09.22 07.10.22 10 10