Page 219 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 219
18. Action plan to curb accidents
The following steps are taken in order to reduce accidents in the division.
1. Intensive counseling of staff
2. Conducting Safety Seminars.
3. Launching Safety Drives.
4. Issuing Safety Circulars and General Circulars.
5. Issuing Safety Literature (Vigil, Safety Posters, Fly Leaf, Bulletins etc.)
6. Framing Rule of the month for the benefit of the staff.
7. Conducting Night Surprise Inspections.
8. Public awareness campaign.
9. Monitoring of Refresher Course & Periodical Medical Examination.
10. Conducting audit inspections by divisional JA grade officers at major stations and
activity centers.
11. Conducting Mock drills
12. Conducting ambush checks.
13. Issuing of Pamphlet on Prevention of Fire Accidents.
14. Conducting Constant counselling to gateman.