Page 217 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 217

11. Safety circulars:

             Safety circulars are issued regularly to educate the staff to inculcate safety consciousness and
             to appraise the staff with latest information. 11 Safety Circulars and 09 General Circulars were
             issued up to November 2022.

             Safety Circulars:

               No                         Subject
                  1      Station working rules (G.R.5.06 and Appendix XIV)
                  2      LURCH/Conditions likely to affect running of Trains (S.R.6.07)
                  3      Summer precautions for C&W Officials.
                  4      Summer Precautions for Engineering Officials.
                  5      Instructions to SMs regarding Emergency cross over.

                  6      Power block (IRACTM – Chapter-VI, G&SR 17.04).
                  7      Monsoon Precautions
                  8      Knowledge of rules for Gateman – need for intensive counselling.
                  9      Shunting (APPENDIX – XII).
                 10      Regarding Winter Precautions.
                 11      Hot axle/Hot Box (G.R. 4.29)

          General Circulars:

               No.                      Subject
               1       Annual Training Programme for the year 2022 at ZRTI/MLY
               2       Rules and procedures for working of trains in the electrified section.
                       Rules  and  regulations  for TSL  working  on  double  line  sections  when  one  line  is
                       Prevention of fire incidents, additional precautions to be observed by the SMs when
                       coaching rakes are stabled at stations.
               5       JPO for power interception, loco reversal of passenger carrying trains.
                       Disaster Management:  activities/procedures for reporting  and  handling  of  serious
               7       Shunting – control, Responsibility and Authorities for shunting.

               8       Precautions to be taken during Non-Interlocked Working.

               9       Exchange of PN with Non-Interlocked Engg. LC. Gates by SMs.

             12.  Fire fighting class:

             Firefighting  classes  and  demonstrations  were  conducted  during  refresher  course  at  Area

             Training Centre/ Kacheguda and ZRTI/MLY.

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