Page 3 - May 2019
P. 3

Volume 1 No 2
                                                                                                       Winter 2019


                                                               Cover story

                                                                        The Challenges of Fifth-

                                                                   Generation Transformation

         10                                14                                   20

         Lightings over Delamere           Are there two pilots in a            Control of the Air in
         Premier air weapons range         cockpit?                             Contemporary Conflict
         18  Loyal Wingman to take air      31  Australian Civil Space           40  Alf Barlow & Lancaster
              power to the next era             Strategy released                    ‘Popeye’
         24  Snr Defence figure raises      34  Defence Budget Summary           42  Power Play
              cyber attack concerns         36  AUSINDEX 2019                    48  Air Force Cadets
         26  The Beaufighter Team           38  Air Ambulances could             50  On The Radar
         30  Sharing opportunities with         become flying hospitals          54  Transitioning Veterans

                                                 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                                                                                    EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS
          AUSTRALIAN AIR                      Joint Air Power Competence Centre,   Editorial  contributions  by  way  of  articles
            POWER TODAY                      RAAF News, Defence Connect, APSI,   and  photographs  are  invited  from
                                                 Pathfinder, ADF,  ADF Journal
                                                                                readers  across  Defence  and  the  retired
                                                                                community in the interest of promoting the
                 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                     SUBSCRIBE TO
                   Mark Eaton                    Australian Air Power Today     RAAF and Defence. Australian Air Power
                  Digital version:         Today magazine reserve the right to edit
                                                                                all articles submitted for content, length or
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                   Sharon Pace                       Call 02 9386 4213          Contributions  should  be  sent  by  email:
     Australia: $40 per year Int: $80 per year
                   PRODUCTION               Cover & Above: A Royal Australian Air Force
                  Kylie McQueen             No. 75 Squadron F/A-18A Hornet Pilot, flying   material submitted for publication but every effort will
   in the skies above Andersen Air Force Base,   be made to verify information. Editorial Staff reserve
                                                                                the  right  to  reject,  edit  and  re-arrange  any  item
                                            as part of Exercise Cope North 19, Guam.    submitted  for  publication.  Articles  and  letters  must
             FLIGHT PUBLISHING PTY LTD      Photo SGT Kirk Peacock.             be  signed  and  should  contain  a  contact  telephone
          PO Box 1269, Bondi Junction NSW 1355                                  number to enable staff to check authenticity.
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